Photo / Sandy Perry
SAN JOSE, CA — Dozens of unhoused residents and community leaders marched and rallied at the Spring Street encampment in San Jose on July 20. The City is threatening to evict the hundreds of people that live there in tents, RVs, and makeshift structures, due to pressure from the Federal Aviation Authority to clear the area because it is so close to the airport. Below are some of the comments from the speakers at the rally.
R.J. Ramsey – “I live at Second Street Studios, where we formed a tenant association out of formerly homeless people standing up for their rights…. I have been unhoused and I have been swept over sixty times in my life. I am telling you, during those sweeps it takes a toll on you of mental anguish and physical pain. You’re up at midnight because that’s the only time you can move those buggies down the street to your next location, if you even can find a next location…. I see structures out here, I see families out here, having to move all this without a plan from the city is asking too much…. The city needs to find a place for safe parking, for these tents, a place for people to go.”
Kelly Goodman – “We are a community. Any one of us could go to any part of this camp and say hey, we need a blanket, we’re hungry, we’re scared, we’re having a problem, and within an hour we would have what we need…. All we ask for is first, that the media represent us correctly, speak to us, not to people that are not involved here. Second, yes, there are some people here who have some problems, but what family doesn’t have any problems? All we are asking is for people to communicate with us and give us some options.”
Heriberto Reyes Solorio – “Thanks to all of you in this community that are doing this with all of us. It is a beautiful demonstration of what we want, and that we cannot live like this, without a place where we can afford to pay the rent. Thanks to all of you that are here.”
Lisa Landry – “We are Survivors of the Streets, an advocacy group started at Sacred Heart. We have been homeless and some of us are still homeless…. All we care about is you, you, and you, all of you. We are going to advocate politically and put our heads together so we can change what is. In order for our needs to be met, we have to use our mouth, we have to use our power, we have to get together, and be supported by each other, so we can sing, and swear out loud if we need to. We will be heard, we will not be silenced, we will do everything in our power to change what is happening here. I love you all.”
Scott Largent – “I am a clean and sober father. I live out here at Spring Street, over there near the 7-11. I have no other options right now…. The world is watching right now what is happening here. I do appreciate community leaders coming out today, because community is what is going to change things. The City of San Jose and the County don’t care. I go to meetings, I constantly hit up people in power, I show them people’s suffering out on the streets – but do you see any politicians out here? ….You see notices like this one that was saturated out here three or four weeks ago, telling people they are trespassing, that they can no longer be here. Every single person that I have met out here has pretty much lost everything they own. These are our brothers and sisters out here and this has to stop.”
Shaunn Cartwright – “When we sit here and say hell no, we won’t go, until I have a tiny home, until I have a shelter home, until I have another place to go, until I have safe parking for my RV, whatever it is, because we are not moving to “destination nowhere”. They have to give you a plan. So bring your neighbor next time, bring two neighbors. Claim your power!”
Sandra Reid is co-editor of the People’s Tribune, serving as Production Manager. She is also the founder and coordinator of Speakers for a New America, a speakers bureau affiliated with the People’s Tribune and its sister publication, the Tribuno del Pueblo.