Remains of suspected migrant found hanging from a tree 80 miles from the U.S. Mexico border

Editor’s note: The story below was originally published in our sister publication, the Tribuno del Pueblo, at
The virulent rhetoric against the migrants is taking innocent lives.
According to Newsweek, on September 30, law enforcement officials in Texas found the remains of a suspected migrant who was found hanging from a tree. This was 80 miles from the state’s border with Mexico.
“We have never seen anything like this in our county,” Brooks County Sheriff Benny Martinez told Newsweek.
Martinez also told Newsweek that the body was naked, and that they found folded clothing next to him. The authorities suspect the man was hung with his own shirt, and that the body had been at the scene for at least a week.
The Brooks County Sheriff’s Office has reported an increase in migrant deaths this year. Martinez said his that since January, his office has found 98 migrants who died.
Last year, Martinez said his office only looked into the deaths of 34 migrants.
The New York Times reported that border patrol officials have found the highest number of migrants dead in nearly a decade. Through the month of July, officials reported 383 deaths, up from 253 last year.
Our hearts go out to the family of the man found hanging from the tree, and to all the families of those migrants who have fled death and violence only to find death in their trek to a better life.
Every one of these deaths must be pursued, investigated and if murder, the killers brought to justice.
The American people need to reject the dehumanization of human beings. Our fellow human beings are not the enemy.