Dear Friends,
This panel marks the first year anniversary of Vice-President Kamala Harris’s much touted fact-finding trip to Mexico and Guatemala. Upon her return, she gave the anemic response from the administration, “Do not come!” In this panel, advocates, activists, and refugees consider what the response of the Biden administration has been, should have been, and must be, given the conditions behind Central American migration and the failure of our asylum system.

Please register in advance at this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please see the attached flyer for more details, and please circulate it.
If you would be so kind, please give a donation to continue our work of shedding light on the situation that our sisters and brothers face in their home countries and at the US-Mexico border. You can donate via PayPal at or mail your donation to P.O. Box 577250, Chicago, IL 60657-7331. Please make checks payable to Tribuno del Pueblo but specify your donation is for the Zooming to the Border webinars.
Thank you.
Laura Garcia, Tribuno del Pueblo
Bob Lee, People’s Tribune