Editor’s note: A walk out of students at Huntington High School in West Virginia took place on February 9, 2022 after their school opened its door to a Christian revivalist minister. Students say the minister used manipulative language, and even had church-affiliated practitioners make physical contact with students. He said in the audio recording of his Sermon at the school,“I’m going to send some people from Christ Temple to come down to where you stand. So if you feel a hand on your shoulder, they’re just going to come and pray with you and agree with you that it’s time to follow Jesus.” That day, several teachers forced their students to attend this already impermissible school-sponsored religious service. . . [and that] this is “a clear and inexcusable violation of our rights as students and as Americans; we are guaranteed a religiously neutral public education experience by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.” (The above are excerpts from a Petition on Facebook about the incident.) The link to the Petition is at the end of this story.

Student Max Niberta said the following about the walkout:
Photo/Video Credits: Sophie Eastone
“I am incredibly touched by the sheer number of students that attended the walkout [on February 9, 2022] (150-200 by my own estimate). The passion shown out there Wednesday morning was a welcome surprise. To my peers, and everyone who has messaged, commented, shared, or just silently supported, my thanks will never be enough.

Unfortunately, it seems our complaints fell on deaf ears. Several principals supervised our protest; their unaffected nature was palpable and when given the opportunity to address the student body, they declined. We have yet to open any form of communication with the CCBOE, not for lack of trying, and they seem dead set on maintaining complete silence and hoping this all blows over.
We refuse to let that happen.
Student walk out at Huntington High School in West Virginia after their school opened its door to a Christian revivalist minister and students were instructed to attend. Students chanted: “Separation of church and state.” Photo//video still, Sophie Eastone
Linked below is an online petition created by my peers and I. I’ll also include a QR code to it in the media below. Please read our write-up and sign if you agree that inaction is not an option, especially given the startling updates concerning this matter that seemingly never end. The administration at Huntington High School and the Cabell County Board of Education have a LOT to answer for.”
From the Petition: We, the student body of Huntington High School, demand serious action from those tasked with protecting and molding us. Anything less would be an utter failure at that responsibility. See the Petition at: