Hundreds Demand No Mining at Juristac Sacred Indigenous Grounds


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Demonstration at Santa Clara County government building to demand Board of Supervisors deny permit for Quarry Project at Juristac Mutsun Sacred Grounds.Photos/Peg Elwell.

SAN JOSE, CA — On September 10, several hundred people demonstrated at the Santa Clara County government building to demand that the Board of Supervisors deny a permit for the Sargent Quarry Project at the Juristac Mutsun Sacred Grounds outside of Gilroy, California. 

Native American elders and youth, especially of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, spoke at the event of the importance of this cultural heritage to their people.  Others spoke of the environmental impacts including damage to the biodiversity of the region and the ruination of this pristine area of the Santa Cruz mountains.  The impact of 250 noisy trucks a day rumbling over the mountain roads and then through the low-income town of Gilroy would mean a big decline in air quality and the peace and quiet of residents.

The owner of this property is Debt Acquisition Company of America, which wants simply to make a lot of money in a relatively short amount of time. Doing business under the name Sargent Ranch Partners LLC, they hired Freeman Associates LLC of Palo Alto to guide the quarry proposal through Santa Clara County’s planning and environmental review process.  

A draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was published on July 22, 2022 by the County and a 60-day public comment period was opened that ends September 26.  The Protect Juristac Campaign is encouraging everyone to enter their comments before that date.

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