CHICAGO, IL — Today, October 26, 2022, the Chicago City College professional teachers and staff picketed in front of every City College. They demand adequate compensation considering the rising inflation rate. The City of Chicago has offered them a 3% raise. They demand affordable health insurance for the part-time professionals. They know it is time to bring back needed health programs to Olive-Harvey, Kennedy-King, Daley and Truman Colleges.
They want reduced class size to provide more individual support to students and more academic support in laboratory classes. They want remote education and support services more accessible for students.
Finally, they want a City Colleges for the Common Good like the Sustainable Community School Chicago Public Schools current model to include every City College of Chicago, support services for students and the community.
If the strike occurs, students will not finish their present credit courses until later. That may interfere with work schedules.
Video / Truman College, Chicago. City College teachers need a fair contract. Video/Kathy Powers
Kathy Powers is a lifetime Chicagoan. At 50, Kathy speaks out as the voice of the people. She became a revolutionary activist whose lifelong fight raises unheard voices. She is the Health Care Desk on the People’s Tribune Editorial Board.