Mark Finchem, the Republican candidate for Arizona secretary of state, is a member of the Oath Keepers, a violent hate group. This group is so extreme that one of its leaders actually proposed that the late John McCain, former Republican U.S. Senator from Arizona, be hanged. If elected, Finchem would oversee his state’s elections. Given that Arizona is now a swing state, Finchem’s decisions in 2024 could possibly determine the next president.
Finchem’s candidacy is just one element of an orchestrated effort to win secretary of state offices across the country run by the America First Secretary of State Coalition. Founded in May 2021, this shadowy group operates with funds from Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow.
The 2022 midterm election is shaping up to be the most important midterm election since 1862. At stake is not just control of the U.S. House of Representatives, one-third of the U.S. Senate, and many governors’ mansions. In a very real sense, American democracy itself — as limited as it is — is also on the ballot.
One of the country’s two major parties — the Republican Party — has now been taken over by outright fascists. They would impose an open, violent, racist dictatorship on the country. Without democracy, it will be much harder for us to win the things we’re fighting for.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, is not standing up sufficiently to the fascists or putting forward a program to deal with the suffering reflected in the inflation, low wages, evictions, growing poverty, and homelessness we see. Recent polls show the economy is the number one issue with most voters.
We need a massive turn-out at the polls to block open fascists from seizing control of the U.S. Congress and key state governments — but that’s just the beginning. We need to pressure the Democrats and all other candidates and office holders to find the backbone to confront fascism. And the people need to keep putting their program forward in public venues and in the streets, and demand that all candidates and office holders, regardless of party, implement it. The people have made clear they want real democracy, equality, peace, human rights, and a government that guarantees the health and prosperity of the people, not the corporations. (Ed.Note: The 50 biggest billionaire donors have collectively pumped $4.8 billion or more into the midterms. They are largely Republicans, but include some Democrats.)

Our participation in elections and campaigns — including the 2022 midterms — is about stopping fascism, getting people elected who will fight for us, and about using the election process to help build a massive popular movement that can continue fighting for true democracy and the people’s program after the elections.
LaTosha Brown, executive director of Black Voters Matter, addressed this challenge when she was interviewed recently for the “55 Voices for Democracy” podcast. “In the work that we do at Black Voters Matter, we recognize that just being engaged around the election is not enough,” she explained. “We will take people out of office that are working against our interests. We have to hold them accountable. The very next day [after the election], we have to be in those offices, walking down those hallways to make sure that our elected officials are actually serving the interests of the people.”
She added: “We have the power. We have the numbers. And when we collectively decide that we want this nation to go in a new direction, and when we are as relentless as the other side has been to maintain their power, we will change the nation.”
Let’s get out the vote.
Let’s educate people about what’s at stake.
Let’s build our movement for a democracy of, by and for the people.