Thousands of us are out in our communities every day fighting poverty and oppression, for the Earth, for housing, for human rights for everyone — fighting for a true Democracy and a just society that cares for us all.
The People’s Tribune opens its pages to those who are struggling to survive and thrive in an America in crisis, so you can share your stories in your voice, along with your visions of a society and world that cares for everyone. We aim to help build the struggle and counter the corporate media’s narrative. We hope you will share your story with us.
We also hope you will think of this paper as your paper, and support it with donations. We are an all-volunteer staff and the paper relies entirely on the financial support of our readers and contributors. For your New Year’s Giving, we hope you’ll consider a donation to the People’s Tribune, and if not, always feel free to send a story. To donate, go to peoplestribune.org, or mail a check to People’s Tribune, 849-C Almar Ave., Suite 261, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. And if you have a story to share, email it to peoplestribune@gmail.com or contact us through the website. Thank you. And Happy New Year!