Linda Stevens, an unhoused poet and artist, writes about her experiences and ideas for change (excerpts):
“I am an artist, I write, do poems. I want to write about why the government hasn’t done anything for the unhoused.
“I’m homeless for over 30 years because there aren’t affordable rents. I’m in my 60s, and I don’t know how long I can do this. I’m too old to go back to work, I don’t have benefits. When I go to try to get a shower; everywhere they treat me like I shouldn’t be there.
“Why don’t cities have a help system? It will be cold weather and I don’t have any money. I have lots of ideas, like having a clean camp for groups with bathrooms; laundry room . . .
“I can do custom art, I’ve been an artist all my life, or pet sitting, anything. . . I would love to write a book for the unhoused . . .
“People should go to the government offices and say, “You don’t throw seniors away to the streets! Get us housed, with transportation and a good living situation . . .
“What can we do to get this world to wake up and help the unhoused? One guy said, “if we don’t fight back, we’re all going to die!”
My Ideas for Solutions
By Linda Stevens
The last affordable rent
for those who $$ wasn’t sent
was way back when
rents weren’t greedy then
Now only one percent
can afford exorbitant rent
all others can’t even
afford to live in a tent
It’s so “money face” every place!
only those made of money
can live a life of honey!
All the rich “stucketty ups”
with $$$ in full cups!
It must be nice
in that fully $ loaded
land of sugar and spice
In this wretched world
of the wealthy – only they win
all others always starve and stay THIN!
The Rain
By Linda Stevens
The rain
with leaking tent brings “strain train”
“stress express” to our lives
Old and hull o’ mold
They all didn’t think we deserved
funding from the fed’s “reserve”
Our Car!
By Linda Stevens
Without it, we’re fish outa water
turtles outa our shell
thrown into a worse hell!
we slave to our grave
never enuff $$$ to ever save
in our life good fortune didn’t mix
we’re in an old wrecker
we can’t afford to fix!
we’re in despair
with no one there to ever care
we shriek, freak and yelp for help!
never a day
does compassion
come our way
Let’s Have a Transformation Station!
By Linda Stevens
Come in a train wreck
around your neck
Get fully restored
and finally fit to be adored
If you’re outdoors in a camp
the rich think you’re a tramp
a troll without a soul
‘cause you ain’t got even a toilet bowl!
The rich conservatives think
yer beyond bizarre
if you live in a car!
They will all wait
till it’s too late
and our lives of dread
end us up dead!
The Greedy Rich are the Worst!
By Linda Stevens
Curse the rich man’s “purse”
because god forbid
they ever did
use their wealth
to better our health!
To end the syndrome of “mouse”
without a house!
Every fat cat
has the attitude of a dirty rat
Leave us without bathrooms
expect you have a “shat”
in yer hat
like a portable toilet bowl
they want to kick us all down a hole!
Down to a grave
even if we used to work like a slave
to them we’re no one worth to save
Life stinks
if you ain’t got Brinks
Save Us from the Grave
By Linda Stevens
I’m so sick of the doom
you damn rich stingys, get me a room!
I’m still decent
even if I was never
paid enuf for even cheap rent
It’s not my fault
I ain’t got $$$ in a bank vault!
Nothin but slave for nothing
and nothin to show for any of it
except this hellish shit!
The more we’re all “outdoor”
the more we become ravaged
We won’t have any hope
we can be salvaged and saved
(Save us from the grave)
Today and Tonight
By Linda Stevens
Today and tonight
I’ll hide outa sight!
Only I will make a choice
to protest with my voice!
They’ll all hit you with a stick
give you a face kick
because if you end up poor
yer not welcome in the world anymore!
Linda Stevens, homeless for over 30 years because of the affordable housing crisis, is an artist and poet who wants to write more about why the government hasn’t done anything for the unhoused. She asks, “What can we do to get this world to wake up and help the unhoused?" A friend of Linda's said "If we don't fight back, we're all going to die."