Family Members Demand Answers in Gruesome Death of Unhoused Woman


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homeless woman dies after being run over by large tractor in park in modesto
Christine Chavez, a homeless woman, sleeping in dry grass of a Modesto. CA park, died after being run over by a large tractor pulling a powerful mower. Video Still/KCRA3

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the Valley Citizen and this introduction and the link below is posted with permission of the author. As of July, family members were still finding pieces of bones and flesh of their loved one in the area where she was killed.

“There was no yellow tape, there was no yellow tape,” said a family member of a homeless woman who was reported to have died Saturday, July 8 at Beard Brook Park in Modesto.

The speaker was the brother-in-law of Christy Chavez. He was with family members visiting the site of Christy’s death on Wednesday, July 12, four days after she had last been seen near a hillside where a man was mowing dry grass along the west side of the park. The absence of yellow tape at the site was one of several puzzling aspects of yet another in the rising death toll of homeless people in Modesto.

The deceased woman’s family and people who saw her shortly before she died claim she was sleeping in dry grass prior to being run over by a large tractor pulling a powerful mower. According to preliminary reports, a Modesto Police Officer informed the family of her death on Sunday, July 9.

“I saw that tractor and I wondered why it was going so fast,” said a woman named Casey, who had been in the area and saw Christy Chavez just before she was run over.

Read the rest of the story published in at

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