International Women’s Day Spotlight: Jennie Welles aka Red


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Jennie is a fighter who has lived a hard life! She spent her whole life in broken systems meant to keep people down! She has been forced to face difficult challenges, including poverty, discrimination, and violence, which have made her resilient and strong. She has been able to turn these obstacles into opportunities and use her struggles to motivate herself and others to succeed.

Jennie’s perseverance and drive to offer love to our sisters and brothers on the streets has not gone unrecognized! You will find Jennie on the streets of Sacramento teaching people their rights, passing out survival gear in the rain, and being the listening ear so many people need! Jennie is a tireless advocate for the underserved and marginalized communities in Sacramento. She goes out of her way to make sure people are aware of the resources available to them and that they are respected and treated with kindness and dignity. She is truly an inspiration to many.

Crystal Sanchez is with the Sacramento Homeless Union.

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  1. Thank you crystel. It wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing women I have in my life today you definitely be in one of them you show me my words and even though when I thought things were so bad I just want to turn around and say screw everything you guys were there with me through my mistakes through everything so the only way that I can pay you to do better and if that means I’ve always here for the rest of my life LOL and that’s what I do I know the feeling of not having no purpose not feeling like you’re worth anything and not having any value on life and I know that now because of you because of the rest of the people that I’ve just came into my life out of nowhere so thank you to you for making me be all that I can be I love your life Crystal


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