Download and read the April-May edition at https://peoplestribune.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/PT_2024_03_Print_FOR_WEB.pdf
This edition of the People’s Tribune. focuses on the heroic efforts of those among us who suffer from and fight the growing poverty, horrors of homelessness, heartless immigration policies, and limited government aid for housing, medical care, and hunger, and other necessities. Demonized by politicians, blamed for the systemic crisis in the economy affecting us all, these individuals and groups are immediate targets of anti-humanity laws that eliminate freedoms like the right to sit or lie in public places and the right to asylum.
As this growing new movement works to defend those under direct attack, and unify us all in defense of democracy, their demand is for a society that cares for us all. They ask why so many are homeless and hungry when so much wealth is in the hands of the few.
We all know there’s plenty of money to go around. But it’s going to the big corporations and billionaires who benefit from the war economy, government oil subsidies, tax write offs and militarization of borders. It doesn’t have to be this way. Everyone’s needs can be met — if we unite. Congress and the president are responsible for ensuring peace and prosperity for ALL, not poverty and war. And we should hold them accountable.
View or download the April-May, 2024 print edition at People’s Tribune.
Or view some of the stories in the edition below by clicking on their link. :
U.S. Vet says Israel Targets Gaza Civilians on Purpose