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Monthly Archives: June, 2024

Homeless in Las Vegas: No Reprieve from the Heat

If you are among the growing number of the Las Vegas homeless there is little to no reprieve from the heat.

Victory Over Big Oil In Campaign For Safe, Healthy California

After Spending $61 Million In A Failed Effort To Deceive Voters, Big Oil Withdraws California Referendum In Defeat

Corporate Landlords’ Profits Soar as Tenants Drown in Rent Hikes and Fees

Through-the-roof rent hikes based on greed—not need—have kept many Americans from getting ahead,’ said one advocate at Accountable.US.

‘We Have Faith’: Migrants Still Arriving, Despite Biden’s New Executive Order

Humanitarian groups expect more uncertainty and suffering with new policy changes at the border.

The Poor People’s & Low-wage Workers’ Moral March on D.C., & to the Polls!

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival hosted a march in Wash., DC, to uplift the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage workers across the U.S.

Juneteenth: Historian Clint Smith on the History of Slavery Across America

interview with historian Clint Smith about the significance of Juneteenth, a federal holiday which marks the end of slavery in the U.S.

Camp Resolution Wins Lawsuit Against City of Sacramento

Camp Resolution, the self-governing encampment for unhoused Sacramento residents, received a notice on March 28 for its nearly one hundred members to vacate by...

Building the Revolutionary Housing Movement through Mutual Aid

June 14, 2024 Interview with General Dogon of the Los Angeles Community Action Network by Cathleen Williams, Homeward Street Journal General Dogon is an organizer at...

Israel’s War on Gaza Also Destroying the Climate, Study Finds

In addition to its death toll, Israel’s war in Gaza comes at great cost to the climate crisis.

The Democratic and Republican Conventions: Let the Marchers March!

The Republican and Democratic parties are doing everything to stifle or contain demonstrations at the convention. Let the marchers march!

Debunking the Lies Politicians Say About Immigrants

Rebuilding the U.S. immigration system to be functional and humane requires dismissing harmful myths and inflammatory rhetoric in favor of truth and facts.

Treatment Not Trauma Coming to Chicago

Community groups, fighting since 2012 to reopen 12 mental health clinics shuttered under former Mayor Emmanuel, joined the Chicago mayor’s office to announce the reopening of Roseland Mental Health Center.

Soupstock-24: Celebration of 44 Years of Sharing Meals!

Food Not Bombs in Santa Cruz, CA celebrates 44 years of sharing free food where all are welcome.