Photo Story: Protests Outside the Democratic National Convention


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Coalition March on the DNC
Protest at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, August, 2024. Photo/

This photo story was selected from a collection of photos taken by award-winning photojournalist Daymon J. Hartley at the protests at the Democratic National Convention, August, 2024. This is our first set of photo stories using images from photographers working with the People’s Tribune and our sister publication, El Tribuno del Pueblo. Over 200 groups joined the Coalition to March on the DNC and organizers say about 30,000 people participated in the marches and protests. Protesters were from all walks of life, young and old. The demand for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and ending U.S. arms shipments to Israel was central to the protests. Other prominent issues included reproductive rights, immigrant rights and legalization for all, ending poverty, LGTBTQA+ rights, stopping police crimes, housing, right to unionize and strike, and others.

Jews say not another bomb
Protect abortion pills at protests outside DNC

The following comments were excerpted from Daymon J. Hartley’s Facebook page:

”Over 40,000 people have been killed in Gaza with thousands injured. I spent time in the camps of the West bank and Gaza strip in the first Intifada in 1987-88 and could not help but fall in love with the Palestinian people and their courage to resist. More than 1,000 Palestinians were killed. These photos represent what I see and experience through the lens of my camera. They are not always the most flattering but are never meant to embarrass or humiliate. As a photojournalist I attempt to capture the mood and the moments. Please feel free to use them for non-commercial use. Share them, tag them, and caption them if you like.

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