To continue the fight for democracy, defeat Project 2025.
What is Project 2025? The Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank, has compiled a massive radical wish list of the policies it wants a second Trump administration, or any future Republican administration, to enact. It is called Project 2025.
Project 2025 is a far-reaching, coordinated plan to gut the federal government and to further lower the standard of living of the American working class, and shift more wealth to the already wealthy.
How will your state be impacted?
Center For American Progress (americanprogress.org), a progressive think tank, has done an exceptional job of analyzing Project 2025’s various proposals. Perhaps the best way to concretely grasp what they plan to do to us if they are allowed to carry out their plans, is to look at the impact on each individual state.
Here is a link to the page where you can select your state. Fact Sheets: The Harmful Effects of Project 2025, by State