Fresno church declares itself a sanctuary


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Rev. Sharon Avril of Carter Episcopal Church in Fresno recently announced that her church is now a sanctuary for all immigrants.

FRESNO, CA — Rev. Sharon Avril of Carter Episcopal Church recently announced that her church is now a sanctuary for all immigrants. Carter Memorial has been in existence for 135 years in Fresno. The U.S. Episcopal Church is 210 years old. The original church started during the period of slavery when it helped the slaves escape from the South to non-slave states.
The role of the religious community is to take in foreigners coming to the U.S. with open arms, dignity and respect as human beings. Rev. Arvil stated she will not allow ICE or law enforcement to enter the church.
She will not abide by any laws which are illegal and immoral. At Carter Memorial, they want to create an atmosphere where immigrants feel safe by not allowing any law enforcement agency to enter. They will provide food and shelter.
Through ‘Faith in the Community,’ the church will provide services such as ‘Know Your Rights’ and refer immigrants to other services they may be eligible for.
Carter Memorial wants to provide moral support to the Spanish-speaking community by not allowing Trump’s threats to put fear into their hearts. The religious community is there to act as a buffer in their defense against raids by ICE.
Churches in the community only need to look at U.S. historical facts such as slavery, Japanese encampments, etc. to see how similarly cruel the government has been in treating immigrants. The church has a moral obligation to help serve those most in need.
Rev. Arvil sees ICE as bounty hunters who resemble the slave catchers during slavery. She sees their role as to arrest immigrants even if no crime has been committed. ICE should be there to protect everyone in this country, even those here illegally.
Rev. Arvil sees as a possible solution to the immigration law problem the allowing of those interested in becoming U.S. citizens to apply for a petition. The petition would list reasons why they want to become citizens and how they can contribute to the country. Immigrants provide skills to the U.S. economy and are not a detriment.
Rev. Arvil defines sanctuary as a safe haven where immigrants are welcomed and feel safe and secure from ICE raids.
The Trump administration does not have the right to say who is worthy to stay or to leave. Trump’s message to “Make America Great Again” is a fallacy. The question should be: When has America ever been great?
History has shown that immigrants have always been under attack. The capitalists of the U.S. have reaped profits from the slave labor of immigrants who have made this country prosperous. There is a need for all like-minded people to become united in the immigrant struggle.

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