“Help save my child from a corrupt system,” says father


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Grady Smith, the father whose son has been abused, and who is demanding the Georgia DFCS save his son, is on the right.

Georgia’s Department of Family and Child Services (DFCS) web site states: “Child Protective Services staff investigates reports of child abuse or neglect and provides services to protect the child and strengthen the family Every child needs to be treasured, protected and nurtured. Unfortunately, some parents can’t—or won’t—care for their children. When they neglect or abuse them, someone must step in to ensure the children’s safety.” That’s the job of DFCS, along with the police and the courts.
Over 100 children are killed or die in Georgia DFCS custody yearly according to the SCLC. Georgia ranks sixth in child abuse that leads to death. Seventy percent of children in DFCS care are in prison by age 23. Child Protective Services, along with the police and courts, fail to protect the most vulnerable children.
Grady Smith, father of Ryan, says this is unacceptable. “It’s been almost three years now since my son revealed to his licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and myself of the abuse and molestation he endured with evidence. He has never been rescued from the perpetrators and is still living with them in a harmful environment because of DFCS. According to his LPC he is at risk of being abused and molested again and could end up dead if not removed. Until Newton County is forced to do the right thing and remove him instead of pretending child abuse never happened so they’re not held accountable for knowingly failing my child when we called on them to help protect him and they did not, he is still at risk. Please help to save my child from his perpetrators and a corrupt system.”
Grady Smith can be reached at gradybr98924@gmail.com/

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  1. I do not know the reason this began, but from my experience here in Berrien County Michigan I recognize that a government agency has power over personal and/or family religion that can destroy the entire family from an insignificant or totally false accusation.
    United States of America and its states are losing the meaning of our constitution. Our government is designed to support freedom and independence.
    (From a false accusation a college student was forced to sign, I was put in jail twice just for taking there another college student who was sent by that college to live in my house. Without that transportation he would miss classes and fail the course. I made no profits, did nothing wrong!)


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