Water shutoffs to another 18,000 households


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While fighting to stop the immoral water shut ups, people are also (at this protest) demanding that the MDEQ protect clean water for Flint and Detroiters and stop allowing companies to dump toxic fracking waste into the water and sewerage system.

From a Michigan Welfare Rights Organization Facebook post

DETROIT, MI —In April, the Detroit Mayor and water department announced their decision to shutoff water to another 18,000 households, mostly poor people. A community research study led by We the People of Detroit found that homes where water was shutoff had a 1.5x increase in water-related illnesses among patients who sought help at Henry Ford Health System. This is the making of a public health crisis! A coalition of social justice groups is calling on the Mayor and the Detroit Health Department to deal with the outbreak. Our elected officials have a responsibility to address this matter, stop massive shutoffs on people too poor to pay high rates and institute a Water Affordability Plan based on 2% of income for water customers in poverty.

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