Environmental racism and psychological trauma


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Residents express outrage at lead contamination by Exide plant in southaast L.A.

LOS ANGELES, CA — For over three decades, Exide Technology contaminated their employees and the surrounding areas in Southeast Los Angeles County, while every government agency in place failed to respond.
Exide recycled 11 million auto batteries per year and released 3,500 tons of lead until it closed in March 2015 as part of a legal settlement for hazardous waste violations. Since Exide was closed, over 10,000 homes have been tested for lead with 97% testing positive. There are no safe levels of lead.
An estimated 250,000 residents exposed to lead were predominately Mexican Americans, and many now face chronic health issues from airborne lead and arsenic that subsequently settles into the soil.
The psychological trauma experienced by families is heart wrenching. New parents whose beautiful children have behavioral issues and difficulty learning often blame themselves. Teachers who lack resources and are expected to teach these damaged children, are also deeply affected by this tragedy.
Exide, this large corporation, is being protected by California Assembly members Christina Garcia and Miguel Santiago, former Governor Jerry Brown and Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, who perpetuate the myth that Democrats are environmentally friendly. Speaker Rendon, the assemblyman of the district, shelved SB562, Single Payer Healthcare, which would have been extremely helpful and alleviated some of the families’ pain and the inevitable financial burden of the health issues related to lead poisoning. Southeast Los Angeles has the highest rates of uninsured children and the second highest rate of uninsured adults, yet even with arguably the most powerful man in the state of California representing the area, the people of Southeast Los Angeles were denied healthcare by him.
Every elected official in the area is aware of the devastation in the area and have done little to address the problem, which to this day has not been cleaned up. Yet every election season they come around to take a photo with your child and ask for your vote. The failure of all involved—the Department of Toxic Substance Control, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Department of Public Health, and elected officials—shows they lack the political will to address this disaster and this will ensure that this contamination will continue to devastate the community for decades to come.

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