Sunrise youth march from New Orleans to Houston to demand Biden address climate crisis


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Sunrise youth protesting
Photo credits: @rayephoto and @crysj_

The following is from the Sunrise Movement Facebook page:

Sunrise is a movement of young people uniting to stop the climate crisis. This dark hour in America cannot last. Welcome to Sunrise…. We united by the thousands to stop KXL. We joined with many nations to protect the water at Standing Rock. We weakened Big Oil by divesting billions of dollars.

Now, we’re getting ready for the fight of our lives: to defeat  . . .  the fossil-fueled politicians from both parties who back [the Trump] agenda.

On Monday [June 21, 2021] @sunrisegenofire finished marching 400 miles from New Orleans to Houston. Their last action? On Ted Cruz’s lawn with 70 other people. They wanted to send a message to @POTUS that he meet their demands:

  • Stop negotiating with moderates and the GOP on climate action and legislation. Fight for what the people need. It’s your job.
  • Support @aoc and @edmarkey’s #CivilianClimateCorps that provides 1.5 million equitable, good jobs that will give us a sense of community back.
  • Take a huge first step towards climate justice by revoking the Formosa Plastics permit in St. James Parish, Louisiana in Cancer Alley [where predominantly Black and poor communities are fighting corporate polluters and their cancer causing chemicals.]

Organizers promised to stay on Cruz’s lawn until Biden met their demands but the police came and arrested eight people.

We’ve waited long enough and we’ve got nothing to lose.

Sunrise and hundreds of other organizers, electeds and movement leaders rallied in DC on June 28 under the same theme, that politicians should step up or step out of the way, for the Green New Deal and jobs. [See video on Facebook]
Sunrise is part of the political revolution. Across the country, a surge of teens and twenty-somethings are getting politically involved for the first time. We don’t see a reason to choose between working on elections and creative protest — it’s obvious that both are needed. And we’re unafraid to take on entrenched elites from any political party. — From Sunrise FB page.

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