Reader calls People’s Tribune a powerful tool to help people unite


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Editor’s Note: We would like to share this beautiful message from Emma Denice Milligan, a leader and long-time friend and contributor to the People’s Tribune:

People's Tribune October November 2021 issue cover

“The People’s Tribune is a powerful resource to get the word out and to unite people together. I would like other people to know they have a voice, and it matters! Like the story about the Black town in Michigan that has tap water more poisonous than Flint’s while a nearby white town enjoys pure tap water or the story about how Abortion Bounty Hunters in Texas are Cruel Vigilantes. Anyone can write for the People’s Tribune.  I was born with a disability. I can’t use my hands or my legs. Thanks to the People’s Tribune I am able to talk to other people about the world because I am able to tell them my story. I have shared countless experiences and stories. Go ahead and share yours as well. Those of us fighting for a better future need tools like this paper to get our messages out in ways that count.” — Emma Denice Milligan

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