Women Standing for Democracy


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Graphic for International Women's Day

In celebration of Women’s History Month, these are excerpts from social media comments by some of the many women leaders standing for a true democracy in America and against the step-by-step encroachment of a corporate-run dictatorship of billionaires.

“15 days ago I was shot by police with rubber bullets, mace, pepper balls paid for by Enbridge. I heard shouts, cries and gasping coughing punctuated by the sound of munitions firing and a huge drill out of a sci-fi movie boring thru the river we were there to protect.” #StopLine3, August 13, 2021, tara houska

Collage of photos of woman at different demonstrations and protests
Photos (from top, clockwise):
Julie Dermansky, Len and the Calif. Nurses Assoc.

“Today in 2022, we’re seeing Jim Crow era tactics and we’re seeing over 52 pieces of legislation that passed in states that are voter suppressive that are trying to take away the rights of communities of color because we’re winning….We are all Americans. And if you’re eligible, we should be able to access our voting poll.”
@SindyBenavides, CEO, LULAC

“This is not a time to be sitting on the sidelines. We need to make big demands of the system, that it be changed in a way so that in the future we’re not cut to the bone in a [Pandemic], that we have a robust healthcare system. I support Medicare for all, absolutely . . . and even further measures such as nationalizing the healthcare system.” 
Sarah Dowd, registered nurse, NYC

Collage of photos of woman at different demonstrations and protests
Photos (from top-left, clockwise):
© Robin Rayne / ZUMA Press Wire, daymonjhartley.com, jimwestphoto.com and Facebook

“With all due respect, Mr. President. You didn’t mention saving Black lives once in this speech. All our country has done is given more funding to police. The result? 2021 set a record for fatal police shootings. Defund the police. Invest in our communities.” Congresswoman Cori Bush responding to President Biden’s comment that, “The answer is to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them.”

“Our resistance is coming together. Patriarchy, white supremacy, work when we are just Black people, just Latinos, just women. When we are a united coalition we can start tearing it down…. We can fight the fight of Georgia, show up for our sisters in Texas….it’s powerful to know you’re not alone, that you have sort of mass, collective power.” — Amanda Brown Lierman of @supermajority

 “Don’t stop fighting for what’s right and the rights of the people and there’s more than one way to get the job done. Together we WIN! 
Bishop Bernadel Jefferson, a leader in the fight in Flint for democracy and water rights

 “Even the Constitution says when government no longer serves your interest, you can replace it, shift it or even abolish it….The entire political landscape is being reshaped. We’ve got to radically reimagine it . . . see ourselves as founders of this new America….where collectively we are all here, centering the love of humanity….that’s the real work.
LaTosha Brown, Co-founder, Black Voters Matter Fund

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