The People’s Tribune opens its pages to the low-wage workers who are fighting for their survival by standing up to a global capitalist class that reaps billions off their labor. Many of these courageous workers are developing into the kind of leaders needed to build a new America. These workers, along with their comrades worldwide who work like dogs for low wages, are pointing the way forward for all workers.
This movement can only grow, reaching broader sectors of the working class. It is driven forward by a new global economy based in the transition from industrial to electronic-based production. Robotics eliminates millions of jobs worldwide. Many of the jobs that do exist are so low paying that workers are going without healthcare, food, and often, housing. Yet there is an abundance of necessities produced today. The problem is that the giant productive processes are today in private hands.
In the end, this movement is about creating a new society where everyone’s needs are met. It is about society taking over the giant global corporations and distributing people’s necessities by need, not money. We encourage our readers to use the pages of the People’s Tribune to help carry the struggle forward.