On the death of Comrade General G. Baker


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September 6, 1941—May 18, 2014
As the People’s Tribune was going to press, we received word that, after a prolonged illness, Comrade General Baker had died.
As an internationally known and respected revolutionary, much has been and will be written about his life and contributions. In future editions of the People’s Tribune we will add our understanding of the significance of his life as one of the era’s most effective revolutionaries.
Through the centuries of struggle for the freedom of the working people, we have said farewell to numberless fighters. What they fought for, what they believed in, far outlasts the memory of what they did. The vision of a new world of peace and freedom crowned the legends of struggle led by General Baker.
The ruling class knows how to deal with the spontaneous uprisings of the people, no matter how heroic they may be. What they fear most, what they can never defeat, is a mass in motion, guided by vision. Comrade Gen’s life is summed up as the effort to organize the scattered demands of the exploited into a vision, to organize the fighters around that vision.
In his final days, General Baker said to the family and comrades gathered around him, “Carry on!”
We say farewell to Comrade Gen with the pledge of revolutionaries over the centuries, “This fight will go on until we win!”

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