The People’s Tribune is an independent media platform that informs, educates, and works hand in hand with movements for a society that is truly of, by and for the people, where everyone is cared for. We dedicate our platform to those voices for change that are not being heard in mainstream media. This paper strives to be a voice of millions of everyday people who are standing up to challenge a system that breeds poverty, injustice and war, and threatens Mother Earth. All people’s needs can be met by building a society where the abundance that exists today is available to all.
We welcome articles and artwork from those who are engaged in the struggle for people’s needs and to build a new society. We rely on our readers and contributors to fund and distribute this paper.
Articles that are unsigned or signed by the People’s Tribune, such as the cover story and editorials, reflect the views of the editorial board. Bylined articles reflect the views of the authors, and may or may not reflect the views of the editorial board.
Articles and art:
Articles should be as short as possible for the print edition, no more than 400 words if possible. We reserve the right to edit articles to conform to space limitations. Such edits are discussed with the author. For the website, longer articles are fine. If the editorial board has concerns that a particular article may contradict the mission of the paper, those concerns will be discussed with the writer. Please send photos, cartoons or graphics to publish with your articles if possible. If the art is not in the public domain, the owner of the art must give permission for usage.
Bob Lee is a professional journalist, writer and editor, and serves as Managing Editor. He first started writing for and distributing the People’s Tribune in 1980, and joined the editorial board in 1987.
Georgia De La Garza, from the Shawnee Forest of Southern Illinois, has served on the front lines as an organizer for social justice for many years. She has fought for Indigenous rights, environmental justice, labor and women’s rights on national and global fronts.
Sarah Menefee is a San Francisco poet and a long-time homeless rights activist. She is the Homeless Desk on the People’s Tribune Editorial Board. She was an active member of OccupySF, is a founding member of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. Her latest collections of poetry are Human Star and In Your Fish Helmet.
Cathy Talbott is a former telephone operator, a job lost to automation. She was a homeless mother of two who fought for welfare rights, and co-host of a weekly community radio program called “Occupy the Airwaves,” out of Carbondale, IL. She is the Environmental Desk for the People’s Tribune.
Kathy Powers is a lifetime Chicagoan. At 50, Kathy realized her voice was the voice of the people. She became a revolutionary activist whose lifelong fight raises unheard voices. She writes on health care and other issues of concern to poor people, especially in Chicago.
Chris Mahin is a writer, speaker and teacher on contemporary U.S. politics and history, particularly on the significance of the American Revolutionary War and Civil war eras for today. He is the Electoral Desk on the People’s Tribune Editorial Board.
Ran Dibble is Tech Editor for the People’s Tribune.
People’s Tribune editorial board members are all volunteers. The paper has no paid staff. The paper has a network of writers, photographers, artists, poets, who contribute to the People’s Tribune.
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If you would like to suggest material to be published in the People’s Tribune, please send to Permission for publishing articles, photography, art, etc., is required if not in the Creative Commons.
- Robert Lee
- Georgia de la Garza
- Randall Dibble Tech Editor
- Chris Mahin Electoral Desk
- Sarah Menefee Homeless Desk
- Cathy Talbott Environmental Desk