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Defending Democracy is Key to All Our Struggles

Whether we’ll have a corporate dictatorship is now a question of how hard the American people are willing to fight for democracy. If we don’t defend the right to vote, in particular, it will be that much harder to win any of the battles we are involved in.

Voting rights: The sleeping giant awakens

The point of attack against the voting rights legislation is the rights of people of color, but the object of the attack is everyone’s rights, it is democracy itself.

Join the movement to defend democracy!

There is a growing, far-right movement that is committed to destroying what is left of American democracy and imposing a dictatorship, but there is another movement now in the streets defending democracy, and it must be expanded so it can win.

Two murder trials: Excusing vigilantes and white supremacist killers endangers democracy

Editor’s Note: As this edition of the People’s Tribune was being posted, the verdict had just been rendered in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial. The...

Infrastructure Bills: Does Congress Have the Will to Address Human Needs?

A call for everyone to speak up and insist that the rights of the most vulnerable are not negotiated away in a mad rush to “compromise.” The people need the full $3.5 trillion bill to pass, at a minimum.

New climate report paints dire picture: movement gears up to force action

In advance of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled to begin Nov. 1 in Glasgow, Scotland, three working groups consisting of 230...

Movement to politicians: Step up or step aside!

We, the people need help right now, and only the government can supply the help we need. Biden has been in the White House...

We can stop the rise of a police state

In what many considered a surprise move, a Minnesota jury in late April convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin of all three counts of...

Movement rises to defend the vote and democracy itself

The movement for a new America is standing up to defend democracy. Most of us are under no illusions. We see that the assault...

Growing Movement Demands Action to Help Jobless, Hungry, Homeless

America is in crisis. The ex-president who sent a lynch mob to attack the U.S. Capitol has escaped impeachment — and just received a hero’s...

Far right still a threat: Fight for democracy must continue

The attack on democracy that took place Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., was ominous in itself, and it has set the stage for...

Election aftermath: the people can’t wait — government must give relief now!

The same courage and mobilization displayed in the defeat of Trump in November must now be deployed to demand that government address the burning issues the country faces during this brutal winter.

Our country in crisis: Stop Trump and a police state!

What little that’s left of American democracy could soon be destroyed. Millions of Americans sense this. They are heartbroken by the 210,000 needless coronavirus...

A bold movement’s journey to justice: Next step — OUST TRUMP!

  This year has been a time of great sorrow but also of magnificent rebellion. Voters flocked to the polls in the earliest primaries —...

Growing movement for justice gears up to DEFEAT TRUMP!

  We stand on the brink. Democracy in America is in danger of being destroyed. President Trump has dispatched federal agents to several cities where they have...

Across America, millions say: Black Lives Matter! NO to a police state!

Derek Chauvin’s cold stare said everything. His nine minutes of relentless cruelty crystallized centuries of wrong. America exploded in righteous anger and will never be the same. The extraordinarily broad response to the ...

From pandemic to economy to elections: The people say humanity comes first!

  “While this campaign is coming to an end, our movement is not.” Those words spoken by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders during a live-streamed speech April...

2020 ELECTIONS: What is at stake?

Across the country, outrage is driving millions of people to the polls. From New Hampshire to California, vast numbers of voters are using their...

Homeless refuse to back down

  People across the world are talking about how the Moms 4 Housing group in Oakland, CA, won a victory after their homeless members occupied...

Fight for healthcare drives presidential race

  As we approach the primaries for what will certainly be one of the most important presidential elections in history, tens of millions of people...

America 2019: Rot at the top of society, leaders at the grassroots

  As the year 2019 stumbles toward its end, one thing seems clear: This year brought to light the obscene wealth, rot and depravity at...

Youth lead global fight for “System Change, Not Climate Change”

CHICAGO, IL — “The oceans are rising—and so are we!” That defiant chant shouted by thousands of marchers summed up the mood during the massive...

Social movements drive 2020 elections

Outside the second Democratic Presidential debates in Detroit, various groups took to the streets to march, rally, and protest to articulate their demands. The spirit of the rally centered on the burning issues facing workers. Climate ...

Grassroots force issues into presidential campaign

  Shouts of “Yes! Yes!” and cars honking support. Enthusiastic waves from passersby. That’s what greeted Southern nurses in bright red union T-shirts as they...

Stop 55,000 immigrant kids from becoming homeless

As many as 108,000 people in 25,000 households, including 55,000 children, could become homeless as a result of the Trump administration’s proposed rule changes governing public housing, published in the Federal Register on May 10, 2019. The ...

Pipeline fighters defend earth and liberty

  "You think we live in a democracy? The federal government will not protect you." "I’m angry because I feel that private citizens no longer have...

Youth lead the fight to save the earth

  With a sense of urgency youth are in the lead: marching, speaking out, occupying congressional offices in DC and state legislatures, and planning climate...

Healthcare national emergency: the fight is on

  It is no surprise that health care was the No.1 issue in the midterm elections and promises to remain the most important issue in...

Shutdown: Government makes war on workers

  The truth of this shutdown is that it’s actually not about a wall. … The truth is, this shutdown is about the erosion of...

Outrage over attacks on migrants and refugees

As this issue of the People’s Tribune goes to press, a caravan of 7,000 Central American men, women and children is in Tijuana, Mexico, seeking asylum in the U.S. They are hungry ...

2018 Election: A wave of resistance

  Six years ago, Lucy McBath was a Delta flight attendant in Marietta, Georgia. On November 23, 2012, she learned that her 17-year-old son had...

Elections 2018: Our lives and the planet are in the balance!

  “We’re suffering. We’re dying. Our kids aren’t being properly educated. Our water is poisoned. Our air is sickening. You deserve better.” This cry from the...

Taking the fight to the polls: Voters, candidates, activists demand government serve peoples needs

This year, the political primary season has become a summer of discontent. In June, the stunning victory of a 28-year-old working-class woman over a New York City political hack caught the attention of the entire country ...

Children in cages: Which side are you on?

  Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents and putting them in cages has run into a buzz saw recently. Millions of Americans,...

Why is housing not a right?

  HUD Director Ben Carson, a Trump appointee, recently proposed that rents in subsidized HUD housing be tripled, leaving the poorest households with a mere...

Elections: The people light a fire under the corporate government

The American people are standing up. Teachers are striking. Students are mobilizing. The homeless are organizing. Whether the issue is water, homelessness, environmental destruction, low wages, lack of jobs, poverty, police violence and other violence, healthcare, immigrant ...

Youth To Politicians: ‘Represent us or get out’

“This is not an issue of Democrats versus Republicans. It’s about human lives, student lives; it is an issue with the morality of humanity, not about a political debate between two ...

Our youth demand: Stop the killing

The recent killing of Florida high school students has shocked the country’s conscience and galvanized young people especially. Students are planning a national march and school walkouts. America’s youth are ...

No blank check for billionaires

  When Trump proposed a budget last year that would cut programs for the poor, a woman in Mississippi described to a reporter how she...

Billionaire Tax Cut = More Hungry Children

  The corporate tax cut bill that bulldozed through Congress late in 2017 was yet another crushing burden that “the 1 percent” loaded onto the...

When the homeless resist, the system trembles

Homeless people all across America are refusing to disappear. Cast off by the economy, vilified by the news media, and targeted by the police,...

Disasters: Why are the people being abandoned?

The damage, injuries, deaths and government abandonment of people after the recent hurricanes that slammed Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and elsewhere are just the first blow from the storms. The next blow will come ...

Charlottesville: Uniting in the fight for our common humanity

In the wake of the hatred and violence exhibited by a group of fascists who reared their ugly heads in Charlottesville, people of all colors and nationalities stepped forward across the country ...

People’s candidates challenge corporate parties

  "I don’t care if the DNC (Democratic National Committee) backs me or not. This is a people-funded campaign," says Paula Swearengin who's running against...

Anger boils over at denial of healthcare

  At a town hall by Rep. Tom Reed (R-New York), a woman angrily told him, “I’m a veteran and I have single-payer and it...

Water Wars: Trump’s EPA will create more Flints

  America is heading for a showdown between the corporations and the American people. Corporate owner Warren Buffett gave notice in 2006 when he said,...

Standing up to the attack on our lives and the planet

  In a recent townhall meeting with a member of Congress in Arkansas, thousands of people turned out to demand that the government do something...

Coming together to resist the politics of hate

At this writing, it has been almost six weeks since President Trump was inaugurated, and protests in opposition to him continue with no let-up in sight. Emotions run high. “Hope not ...

The people say no to a government of, for and by billionaires

  In January in Portland, Ore., Karen Batts, 52, froze to death in a parking garage. She had been evicted from a downtown Portland apartment...

Trump: why he can’t and won’t bring jobs back

So, is it possible, can jobs be brought back? At the top of the list of Donald Trump's promises to the American people is that he will bring jobs ...

The struggle for democracy in America intensifies

The 2016 presidential election was one of the most divisive in our country’s history. This is no surprise, given the economic, moral, and political crisis we face ...

Elections 2016: The people demand a humane society

America, indeed the entire world, is in crisis. Since World War II, developments in technology have revolutionized how we produce the necessities of life. Electronic production is rapidly eliminating human labor in all sectors ...

Elections 2016: Raise the demands of the people

If it wasn’t clear before, the 2016 elections have proven to tens of millions of Americans that the current “two-party” system offers our people nothing. Both parties represent corporate America, and no matter whether Clinton or ...

The American people want an end to homelessness

Recently, the homeless Beale family with its four young children occupied the Mayor’s office at Oakland City Hall, demanding the government do something to help ...

The elections: how do we end corporate rule?

As we approach the 2016 presidential election, America is at a critical moment in history. Advanced technology and globalization continue to wipe out millions of jobs, permanently. Wages for many still working are driven down to ...

How we can fight the corporate dictatorship

  According to a famous story, car manufacturer Henry Ford and labor leader Walter Reuther toured a new automated engine production plant during the mid-1950s....

Michigan and the Battle for Democracy in America

The imposition of emergency manager dictators in Michigan and beyond is an expression of how far the corporate ruling class has already moved to ...

Dictator law poisoned Flint: Harbinger for America?

  A battle is unfolding in America. The workers are fighting for life itself— for food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education against a corporate class...

Why are they poisoning our children?

  Tammy Loren, a mother of four who lives in Flint, recently told the New York Times, “My trust in everybody is completely gone, out...

Water for life, not for profit

  The poisoning of the people of Flint, Michigan—especially the children—with lead and other toxins in the drinking water is just the latest ugly example...

Foreclosure: symptom of a dying society

  For most of us, home ownership is the epitome of the American dream. In a 2015 Wells Fargo survey, 65% felt that homeownership is...

Attacks on the homeless threaten all of us

  An overwhelming majority of the American people want to see the problem of homelessness solved. They consider it insane that people continue to die...

Housing crisis reflects dying system

  The city of Detroit recently announced it will begin foreclosure on nearly 30,000 tax delinquent homes. It is believed that 100,000 people could be...

Why Police Terror is on the rise

  In Cincinnati in July, Samuel DuBose, a 43-year-old Black man, is shot dead after being pulled over for not having a front license tag...

Abundance of food while people starve

If you had to make a choice between buying food or paying your bills, what choice would you make? This is the dilemma millions of Americans ...

Housing is a cure for homelessness

In a movie to be released this September, “99 Homes,” real estate shark Rick Carver relays this message to an evicted suburban homeowner: “America ...

Police violence aimed at poorest workers

Unable to further disregard the growing mass reaction to police violence, spreading poverty and deepening social crisis, the ruling class has taken the tactical...

Water is a human right

Mark Twain once said "whisky is for drinking; water is for fighting over." He was only half-joking. Nations have gone to war over water....

Common poverty: basis for class unity

Imagine you’re in a good job with good pay and benefits. One day you fall on the job. The injuries are so severe you...

Common poverty: basis for class unity

Imagine you’re in a good job with good pay and benefits. One day you fall on the job. The injuries are so severe you...

Riches for the few: poverty for the many

Oxfam reported recently that 80 ultra-wealthy individuals collectively hold the same amount of wealth as the world’s 3.6 billion poorest people. At the same...

Police state grows from economic crisis

In recent months, economists warned that another economic crisis is coming.  In contrast, the U.S. government announced that job growth increased above expectations for...

Stop the Rising American Police State

At a time when poverty is spreading like wildfire and good-paying jobs are a thing of the past for most of us, regardless of...

Fight every instance of police violence

The movement to gather support for a murderous, militarized police force while demonizing the victims is growing. Today, the victims are overwhelmingly people of...

The People Confront the Militarized Police

The militarization of the police in America has reached frightening proportions. We are practically living under an open, fascist police state, and more people...

Our youth need a future

An 11-year-old girl murdered by a stray bullet while at a sleep over, a 12-year old-boy killed in a drive by while at the...

Water Wars and the Fight for a New Society

Detroit resident Nicole Hill, a single mother, recently told the L.A. Times what it’s like to not have water in your home. "It's frightening,...

The Corporations vs. the People: What Will it Take to Win?

The people are standing up to the corporations across America, and the corporate state is on the rampage, trying to contain them. The situation...

May Day 2014: Fighting for Victory Over the Corporations

As we mark International Workers’ Day May 1, the ruling classes of the world are attacking the working class everywhere. People demonstrating against the...

Save the Earth from Corporations!

  We are fast approaching a point of no return. The weather extremes caused by burning fossil fuels will continue to worsen, causing drought, floods,...

Confronting the American police state

Unarmed civilians with their hands in the air are gunned down like dogs. Nine- year-old children are handcuffed and dragged to jail for pointing...

Growing poverty demands new society

  Exclusive apartments in downtown Manhattan sell for $57 million while in the streets nearby people sleep (and die) in doorways. The market for champagne,...

FOOD: Corporations profit, millions starve

Our world is abundant. Nature provides. Technology provides. Yet more and more Americans are going hungry. Why? The question of hunger, food production and food usage...

Education must serve the people, not the corporations

The corporations and their government have been telling us for years what kind of education our children should be getting – one that will...

Abolish Poverty: Build A New Society

An old saying goes, "Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit." Columbia, South Carolina now punishes its homeless citizens by arresting them on sight ...

Stop the corporations. Educate all children.

As schools get ready to open this year, angry and frustrated parents and teachers stormed out of the latest hearings on Chicago’s austerity budget. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) closed 49 elementary schools this year. Then CPS cut the budgets of the remaining schools by $68 million, and then ...

The historical significance of the murder of Trayvon Martin

The murderer of Trayvon Martin has been set free. A shocked and angry people have taken to the streets in protest. Articles condemning the on-going racism and injustice fill the social media ...

July 4th: Break with the parties of corporate America

On July 4, 1776, during the American Revolution, the Second Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies approved the Declaration of Independence. While we are...

The fight for good wages shows need for a new society

In recent months we have seen unprecedented demonstrations by fast food workers, retail workers, and other low-wage workers. These struggles are spread out across...

We need free equal education for every child

CARTOON/Andy Willis"Twenty-five percent of these kids are never going to be anything . . . and I'm not going to throw money at them."...

Federal deficit: The corporations caused it, let them pay

 The corporate mouthpieces are telling us that  “entitlement” programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be cut to reduce the federal budget deficit....

Economic disaster coming: Time to bail out the people

The corporate media and politicians claim the US economy is in a “slow but steady recovery,” but the average person knows better. And the...

Violence in America Reflects a Militarized Society

 A little girl sits in a classroom receiving her lesson for the day. Suddenly, through the door enters a man who shoots her teacher...

No Austerity: Tax the rich and cut the military budget

The recent “fiscal cliff” wrangling in Congress over the federal deficit was a hoax—a charade—a scam, created to scare us into accepting ground-breaking cuts...