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Debunking Lies About Immigrants

Trump-Vance Racist Attacks in Ohio are ‘Blood Libel,’ Say Critics

Springfield remains at the center of a political firestorm after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, his running mate Sen. JD Vance, and other prominent Republicans spread unproven rumors and racist smears about Haitian migrants.

Treating Migrants as the Enemy: Election Driven Hysteria

Calling the border “broken” and “in crisis,” in a media-driven storm foments a hysteria that treats migrants and refugees as criminals or an enemy, justifying repression targeting them.

Texas Border a Lab for What Will Happen to Rest of U.S., Says Eagle Pass Activist

Eagle Pass, TX, border activist Amerika Garcia Grewal is part of a coalition that has been protesting militarization of the border and its impact on the local community since 2017.

Campaign to Debunk the Lies about Migrants and Refugees

Join a campaign to combat the mainstream lies and shine a moral light on the truth: that no human being is illegal, and seeking asylum is a human right.