We the People elect our government to prioritize the interests of our community rather than for their gain and agenda. It is time to mobilize, organize, and participate in the struggle. The Tribuno del Pueblo and People’s Tribune are here for you!
Defeat Trump and Project 2025. But this is not an endorsement of the Democratic Party. The people have been driven back by both parties, and the people will have to fight to build a real democracy, regardless. Forward Ever, Backward Never.
People's Tribune would like to publish your story about your life or death fight, and how you or your group are coming together in a fight for your needs and a society that cares for us all.
Whether we’ll have a corporate dictatorship is now a question of how hard the American people are willing to fight for democracy. If we don’t defend the right to vote, in particular, it will be that much harder to win any of the battles we are involved in.
People’s Tribune brings you its first print edition since the pandemic set in, and discusses how readers can help get the urgent message of the growing movement out to people.
In celebration of Women’s History Month, here are the voices of some of the many women leaders standing for a true democracy in America and against the encroachment of a corporate-run dictatorship of billionaires.
The point of attack against the voting rights legislation is the rights of people of color, but the object of the attack is everyone’s rights, it is democracy itself.
Voices throughout the country are sounding the alarm that democracy as we’ve known it is in grave danger. Voter suppression laws targeting African Americans and other minorities have passed in 19 states. No one is untouched if the right to vote is destroyed.
There is a growing, far-right movement that is committed to destroying what is left of American democracy and imposing a dictatorship, but there is another movement now in the streets defending democracy, and it must be expanded so it can win.
The majority of the people want and need the Build Back Better and Voting Rights bills passed, but the agendas of the corporate Democrats and Republicans are dictated by billionaires. Massive popular pressure is needed to get these bills pushed through.
At the United Nations Climate Summit in Glasgow (known as the #COP26 conference), Vanessa Nakate, a 24-year-old climate activist from Uganda, warned that, “Commitments...
The central battlefield where the struggle between democracy and dictatorship is being waged is the electoral arena, including around the right to vote. Passing these bills won’t mark the end of the struggle, but it will be a needed victory in the long fight that lies ahead.
Climate protests took place over a five-day period beginning on October 11 in Washington, D.C., to demand that President Biden declare a climate emergency and stop approving fossil fuel projects.
Juneteenth has finally received the official recognition it deserves.
While such recognition is long overdue, Juneteenth this year must also be a time to look...
CHICAGO, IL — There is a simple, cost-effective solution readily available to get us herd immunity that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot refuses to implement...
As this is written, people across America and the world are demanding that Israel stop its brutal oppression of the Palestinians.
In a recent article...
The Biden administration recently announced that it plans to reopen a detention center for migrant children in Homestead, Florida—essentially imprisoning children who have come...
Below are voices from some of the many individuals and groups who helped make the Georgia victory possible.
"The victories of Senators-elect Jon Ossoff and...
As Covid-19 continues to ravage the country, with the highest death count ever, overwhelming the healthcare system, destroying jobs and the families dependent on...
The same courage and mobilization displayed in the defeat of Trump in November must now be deployed to demand that government address the burning issues the country faces during this brutal winter.
What little that’s left of American democracy could soon be destroyed. Millions of Americans sense this. They are heartbroken by the 210,000 needless coronavirus...
President Trump’s refusal to take responsibility for either the more than 200,000 deaths from the coronavirus or the cost of his special medical treatment...
On September 1, in the midst of the pandemic, the limited federal eviction moratorium ended, setting millions of renters and mortgage-payers up for losing...
We stand on the brink.
Democracy in America is in danger of being destroyed.
President Trump has dispatched federal agents to several cities where they have...
Derek Chauvin’s cold stare said everything. His nine minutes of relentless cruelty crystallized centuries of wrong. America exploded in righteous anger and will never be the same. The extraordinarily broad response to the ...
A president who fails to lead during the pandemic ravaging the country. Who spreads harmful disinformation and whips up ugly, divisive hatred. Who refuses...
[Police] have opened fire with rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray, pepper balls and have used nightsticks and shields to attack the working press ...
“While this campaign is coming to an end, our movement is not.”
Those words spoken by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders during a live-streamed speech April...
As stories in this digital edition of the People’s Tribune show, the economic and public health catastrophe now gripping America is exposing a for-profit...
I’ve heard about the firing of Dr. Ming Lin in WA state, physician and ER doctor . . . for speaking out about the complete lack of PPE and protection for front line staff…
I work at a public hospital within the Health and Hospitals Corporation system. We rely on public funding that has been cut continuously over the past several decades. ...
Workers from Amazon, Walmart, Whole Foods and other grocery stores, transit workers, delivery drivers and domestic workers considered essential employees are organizing ...
As the Corona virus sweeps its deadly way across the country, homeless-led groups are demanding real housing and calling for taking over empty spaces, whether ‘given’ or ...
In an action reminiscent of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, President Trump has ordered that the elite tactical ICE unit BORTAC be deployed to Sanctuary cities throughout the country during the months of February through May ...
Editor’s note: Vast numbers of people are participating in the 2020 election campaign to demand change. Here we look at the Bernie Sanders campaign....
Editor's note: This editorial was written for the People's Tribune by Lisa Doloff, our beloved Editorial Board member from Virginia who passed away recently.
Outside the second Democratic Presidential debates in Detroit, various groups took to the streets to march, rally, and protest to articulate their demands. The spirit of the rally centered on the burning issues facing workers. Climate ...
Shouts of “Yes! Yes!” and cars honking support. Enthusiastic waves from passersby. That’s what greeted Southern nurses in bright red union T-shirts as they...
“What kind of monsters put children in cages?” reads a woman’s sign, protesting the mass forced separation of thousands of children from their parents...
As many as 108,000 people in 25,000 households, including 55,000 children, could become homeless as a result of the Trump administration’s proposed rule changes governing public housing, published in the Federal Register on May 10, 2019. The ...
The worst thing the Attorney General did this spring had nothing to do with the Mueller report On May 1, U.S. Attorney General William Barr vigorously defended his handling of the Mueller investigation in a defiant appearance before the …
In mid-April, Laura Maradiaga-Alvarado, an 11-year-old girl now in Houston, received a deportation order terrorizing her and her family. Laura faced deportation back to...
With a sense of urgency youth are in the lead: marching, speaking out, occupying congressional offices in DC and state legislatures, and planning climate...
Every day, 4 year-old Austin Perrine, in a red satin superhero cape, hands out chicken sandwiches to homeless men and women outside a Birmingham, Alabama shelter. On his shirt are the words “Show Love.” His father, who goes ...
Listening to the words coming out of the White House, we have a real emergency on our hands. Rapists, drug lords, and criminal masterminds are threatening the livelihoods of America’s working class. But the offenders who most ...
As this issue of the People’s Tribune goes to press, a caravan of 7,000 Central American men, women and children is in Tijuana, Mexico, seeking asylum in the U.S. They are hungry ...
In the face of record profits, General Motors (GM) announced on November 26, during the start of the Christmas Holiday, plans to end production at five plants in the U.S. and ...
“We’re suffering. We’re dying. Our kids aren’t being properly educated. Our water is poisoned. Our air is sickening. You deserve better.”
This cry from the...
According to an old story from the mid-20th century, Henry Ford II and UAW President Walter Reuther toured a newly built automated Ford motors plant in Cleveland, Ohio together. As they gazed upon the labor replacing machines ...
This year, the political primary season has become a summer of discontent. In June, the stunning victory of a 28-year-old working-class woman over a New York City political hack caught the attention of the entire country ...
The national debate around K-12 education is boiling to the surface again, with teachers striking and threatening to strike again this fall, and other...
Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents and putting them in cages has run into a buzz saw recently. Millions of Americans,...
In May, Professor Philip Alston, special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights for the United Nations, was invited by the U.S. federal government to...
HUD Director Ben Carson, a Trump appointee, recently proposed that rents in subsidized HUD housing be tripled, leaving the poorest households with a mere...
In a story posted on talkpoverty.org, Kristen Arant described how she contemplated suicide because she had no health insurance to help her cope with her opioid addiction. Finally getting Medicaid, she said, literally saved her ...
The American people are standing up. Teachers are striking. Students are mobilizing. The homeless are organizing. Whether the issue is water, homelessness, environmental destruction, low wages, lack of jobs, poverty, police violence and other violence, healthcare, immigrant ...
A striking Oklahoma teacher called the mushrooming struggle around public education “a turning point.” She is right. This year we have seen sweeping, rolling statewide strikes by teachers that began in West Virginia and spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee ...
“This is not an issue of Democrats versus Republicans. It’s about human lives, student lives; it is an issue with the morality of humanity, not about a political debate between two ...
The recent killing of Florida high school students has shocked the country’s conscience and galvanized young people especially. Students are planning a national march and school walkouts. America’s youth are ...
Water. There is no life without it. Despite covering about 70% of the Earth's surface, only 3% of it is fresh and suitable for drinking. Over one billion people lack access to water and another 2.7 billion find it scarce for at least ...
As vicious winter storms blasted across the Eastern and Central US, with murderous temperatures comparable to those on Mars, unsheltered people froze to death in the ...
The damage, injuries, deaths and government abandonment of people after the recent hurricanes that slammed Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and elsewhere are just the first blow from the storms. The next blow will come ...
You can see the passion in the signs the Dreamers hold at demonstrations, with such slogans as “Undocumented and Unafraid” and “Keep Families Together.”...
In the wake of the hatred and violence exhibited by a group of fascists who reared their ugly heads in Charlottesville, people of all colors and nationalities stepped forward across the country ...
“Without health care coverage I’m dead or bankrupt!” said one person in the audience. ”Health insurance as a for-profit business is immoral”, shouted out another, to applause ...
"I don’t care if the DNC (Democratic National Committee) backs me or not. This is a people-funded campaign," says Paula Swearengin who's running against...
America is heading for a showdown between the corporations and the American people. Corporate owner Warren Buffett gave notice in 2006 when he said,...
Society is going through epochal changes. We live in a time of revolutionary transition from an economy based on securing a living through working for wages to one based on robotics, which makes human labor unnecessary ...
President Trump’s proposed cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency would nearly eliminate all regional cleanup programs, including those for the Great ...
This just in: The Oscebla Township Planning Commission just denied the water permit for Nestlés. Evidently, the (growing) push back from activists all over the state ...
East Chicago, a small town in northwest Indiana, devastated by extremely high levels of lead contamination, protested the visit by Environmental Protection Agency ...
Across the nation and world, thousands of scientists and their supporters convened on Earth Day to defend science against proposed government cuts. “Basic scientific ...
On these pages are stories from the nationwide battle for clean water. From Flint to Standing Rock to West Virginia to the pipeline fights that are erupting in rural ...
One of Trump’s first acts as president was to green-light the Dakota Access Pipeline, threatening the drinking water of millions of people. For months,...
If you are elderly, chronically ill, disabled, retired or just plain poor this question —what and who is government for—should now be on your mind. President ...
At this writing, it has been almost six weeks since President Trump was inaugurated, and protests in opposition to him continue with no let-up in sight. Emotions run high. “Hope not ...
The fight for quality affordable healthcare for all as a human right is once again heating up. Demonstrations and rallies are taking place across the ...
The 2016 presidential election was one of the most divisive in our country’s history. This is no surprise, given the economic, moral, and political crisis we face ...
When the Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota discovered that a pipeline carrying fracked oil was to be built through their land, poisoning the land and its people, there near the headwaters of the Missouri River, destroying sacred sites ...
We are living in times of immense change, where the world we thought we knew is transforming into something else completely. Technological advances have moved humanity ...
“Our water has been poisoned. Why? Who is wanting to do this to us?” asked a young schoolgirl at a Chicago meeting. Officials knew the drinking water in her school was contaminated with lead yet did nothing to ...
According to a famous story, car manufacturer Henry Ford and labor leader Walter Reuther toured a new automated engine production plant during the mid-1950s....
McDonalds has announced they will open 25,000 robot-run restaurants. Amazon is replacing human stock pickers in its massive warehouses with robots. We’re living in revolutionary times. As robotics and computerization transform all existing industries ...
The People’s Tribune devotes much of its coverage to homelessness, its cause, the solution and a vision of the new society where every single person...
Born out of the Civil War struggles against slavery, “Juneteenth” (June 19th), has always been a time to celebrate what’s been won and to soberly assess what’s ahead ...
The dismantling of democracy is wreaking havoc in Michigan. A corporate dictator law passed in 2011 authorizes the governor to dispatch Emergency Managers ...
As automation of the workplace becomes the norm in America, workers are either out of a job permanently or forced to accept progressively lower wages, .
A battle is unfolding in America. The workers are fighting for life itself— for food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education against a corporate class...
Tent cities are popping up everywhere. Uncaring city governments tear them down as they go up. Homelessness illustrates the decay of an economic system ...
With election season upon us, the role of government is being debated by the American people. With so many struggling to survive, the question of government’s responsibility for the people’s well-being is on the national ...
The poisoning of the people of Flint, Michigan—especially the children—with lead and other toxins in the drinking water is just the latest ugly example...
Homelessness is on the rise in America. In Los Angeles, 15,000 become homeless monthly. No longer relegated to primarily urban centers, the homeless population...
The recent publicity around the 2014 murder of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police has again focused a spotlight on the campaign of terror the police are waging ...
“The United States IS a nation of immigrants. The colonization of America was the result of revolutionary changes taking place in the methods of producing the necessities ...
The attack on immigrants in America is relentless, as the articles in this issue of the paper illustrate. We must draw a line now. It is not possible—and our rulers are well aware—to have a ...
Every day we hear of a new police killing of an unarmed person, usually someone poor, young, of color or disabled. The police murdered 176 people in January and February 2015. Revelations ...
In a wave of hard-hearted attacks, cities across the U.S. are adopting laws that criminalize homeless people for sitting, lying down, sleeping, asking for...
The murder of Black, unarmed Michael Brown by white Police Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, created a massive national and international response. The...
For the first time in history, the human species is now capable of producing a super abundance of all goods and services. Today it is possible to eliminate hunger and poverty and distribute ...
First they came for the homeless. When the Nazis began their campaigns of extermination, they first launched a propaganda war against those they were...
As technology continues to replace labor in production, the global market is shrinking, resulting in increased competition amongst capitalist countries for market share and...
The story is repeated across the world. The breakdown of capitalism forces people to migrate—often at the risk of their lives—from their home countries...
The French author Victor Hugo wrote, "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come." This holds special significance for African American...
It has been said that a society is judged on how it treats its elders. In America, our judgment day is fast approaching. Across the country, countless local governments ...
The not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin has made clear the raw and growing disconnect between the humane and moral foundation of justice and the hard, cold immorality of some of the laws of the land. This verdict compels the American people ...
From the Editors
Editor’s note: Since this article was written, the House passed a bill to subsidize agribusiness and deleted the food stamp section from...
World War III is beginning. It is starting in the Middle East. The war being waged against Syria by the US and its allies is in fact a proxy war between the US on the one hand and Russia and China on the other ...
Undocumented workers are among the most exploited, low-wage workers in the U.S. They are forced to live in constant fear of deportation, isolated in the shadows of mainstream American society. This isolation of the immigrant worker is directed at