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US Workers Won Key Victories in 2024, But Hard Fight Lies Ahead

With strikes and the threat of strikes, workers did more than forestall concessions: They gained ground. With Trump, expect attacks on unions, safety regulations, and the very idea of labor law..

A Message From UAW International President Shawn Fain

We will never support efforts to divide and conquer the working class by nationality, race, and gender, says UAW President Shawn Fain

UAW President: ‘Our Future is About the Power We Have When We Stick Together’

UAW President Shawm Fain rallies voters in support of Kamala Harris, calling her the only pro-worker candidate for president, and that she is committed to fighting Trump's NAFTA.

‘Solidarity Can Defeat Forces of Corporate Greed,’ says UAW President at Teachers Convention

UAW President Shawn Fain says forces of solidarity can defeat corporate greed, speaking at American Confederation of Teachers (AFT) Convention.

Unions Representing Six Million Workers Demand an End to All U.S. Military Aid to Israel

Seven national unions representing 6 million workers in the U.S. signed a letter calling on President Joe Biden to end all military aid to Israel.

The Poor People’s & Low-wage Workers’ Moral March on D.C., & to the Polls!

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival hosted a march in Wash., DC, to uplift the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage workers across the U.S.

Free Speech, Police Brutality Among Issues Noted by Striking University Workers

University of California academic workers represented by UAW 4811 are striking. They say the UC system has failed to protect their freedom to speak and failed to keep them safe from police brutality during recent campus protests.

USC Grad Student Union Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against University over Arrests

The UAW union representing about 3,000 graduate student workers at USC filed an unfair labor practice charge against the school to end campus militarization and drop charges against students and faculty.

The Origins of May Day and Its Meaning for Students Today

Speech given on what happened to create the internationally known holiday of May Day, a holiday that began in Chicago, Illinois in 1886.

Shawn Fain: May Day 2028 Could Transform the Labor Movement—and the World

UAW Shawn Fain discusses a general strike in 2028 and the collective power and unity needed to win the demands of the working class.

Strawberry Workers May Day March

Photos by David Bacon of Strawberry workers parading through Santa Maria on a May Day march, demanding a living wage.  Most are indigenous Mixtec migrants from Oaxaca and southern Mexico. 

Immigrant Communities Honor Six Workers Killed in Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Six men who were working filling potholes on the Francis Scott Key Bridge are presumed dead. Two bodies were found trapped in a submerged vehicle in the river. The six men, immigrant workers who had lived in the area for years, are among thousands of immigrant workers who help keep the Baltimore area functioning.

Pullman Strike Continues for One Fair Wage

From slavery, to organizing the first Black union-the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters, and to their current workforce, Blacks continue to fight for a One Fair Wage.

MLK was a Union Man

A tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a beacon of hope, a driving force behind the civil rights movement, for racial equality, and for his contributions to the Labor Movement.

UAW International Union Joins Call For a Ceasefire

The UAW International Union has voted to join the call for a ceasefire. "The UAW International is calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Israel and Palestine so that we can get to the work of building a lasting peace, building social justice and building a global community of solidarity."

Resistance is Rising Everywhere

Labor actions, the struggle in the Middle East, the fight of the homeless, migrants, refugees and others, are fronts in a struggle breaking out in many forms all over the country and world.

Strike Expands: UAW Leader says Country Can’t Continue to Leave Workers Behind

UAW President Shawn Fain addresses why the expansion of the strike and the growing support globally and nationally in two venues. Workers are fighting to get their fair share at a time when the profits of automakers are soaring. The challenge is where we're going to go as a country.

UAW President Speaks About Union’s Historic Strike Against Corporate Greed

Declaring that “it’s time to stand up for the working class,” UAW President Shawn Fain speaks about the historic “Stand Up Strike” where for the first time the UAW struck all Big Three automakers at once. Worker wages, benefits and quality of life declined for decades, while automakers’ profits have skyrocketed.

Auto Worker Calls for Unity of all Who Sell Their Labor

UAW member Sean Crawford gives a Labor Day speech at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Detroit, MI. He addresses labor history, the issues surrounding the upcoming contract and unity.

Workers Strike to Pressure Biden For Heat Protection

Given the deadly heat, workers and some officials are urging Biden to accelerate a federal OSHA standard to prevent heat-related work injuries and illnesses.

“We are Dying:” Houston Workers Protest New Law Removing Water Requirements

Protesters at a news conference, many speaking Spanish, called Texas HB 2127 the “law that kills” and that it will leave lawn crews, construction workers and others who labor outdoors at the mercy of their employers. "Believe me, we are dying . . . when they take away our water and our [break] time,” said one worker.

Teamsters Expand Amazon Strike, Picket Fourth California Warehouse

Striking Amazon delivery drivers and dispatchers extend their picket line to an Amazon warehouse in San Bernardino, CA. over low pay and dangerous working conditions.

I Worked 22 Years with Walmart, Yet Can’t Afford to Retire

After 22 years working for Walmart, a worker says she nor the other 46% of coworkers can’t afford to retire with zero in the company retirement account. Yet Walmart CEO Doug McMillon has more than $169 million in his. Many execs get monthly retirement checks worth more than most workers annual pay.

The 1937 Memorial Day Massacre: ‘We Don’t Want Fascism in America’

In the 1937 Memorial Day massacre police were called out by Republic Steel to do violence against a campaign to unionize the steel industry. Today the fight for justice and democracy continues for all who’ve been killed by police – on picket lines or in neighborhoods.

Californians Reach Out to Farmworkers Devastated by Climate Disaster

Nancy Faulstich, director of Regeneración-Pajaro Valley Climate Action, discusses the climate disaster in the agricultural town of Pajaro, California and the importance of enough people joining climate actions and working collectively.

May Day—International Labor Day—Was Born in Chicago

A discussion of the origins of May Day by Chris Mahin

A Wave of Evictions Is Devastating California’s Farmworkers

Farmworker housing is in crisis in rural CA, as in almost every agricultural state. In 2021, grape pickers in the San Joaquin Valley still sleep in cars during the harvest. The author tells why.

‘Retaliation’: Starbucks Fires Worker Who Sparked National Union Movement

Alexis Rizzo, a former shift supervisor at Starbucks in Buffalo, NY who sparked national union movement was fired.

UAW Membership Reclaims Roots in Historic Election

For the first time, the membership of the UAW got to vote directly for its International Leadership, defeating the establishment Caucus who ran the union for years.

Amid Ohio Nightmare: Rail Worker Alliance Urges Railroad Nationalization

After Ohio's toxic nightmare, an alliance of rail workers argues for public ownership of the industry, stating that "private and inadequately regulated industry is incapable of doing the job."

As UC strike enters second month, grad workers risk arrest pushing for raises

Striking UC graduate student workers are willingly getting arrested in acts of civil disobedience, viewing the strategy as a way to escalate their work stoppage, now in its fifth week. A main demand is raises that reflect the cost-of-living in California, one of the most expensive states to live in.

This Year’s Biggest Strike

Tens of thousands of workers walked off the job in the largest strike of academic workers in U.S. history. A major demand of graduate workers and 61 percent of postdocs is being rent-burdened. Some pay 30% and others more than 50% of their gross income on housing costs.

Rosalita Meets the President

Rosalita tells the President he and Congress must support the railroad workers, not the employers.

General Gordon Baker on Labor Day

These are the words of General Gordon Baker on Labor Day, September 5, 2004. General Baker, who died in 2014, was a beloved internationally known labor leader and Detroit auto worker. He loved and fought for the working class.

Behind Starbucks Union Busting is CEO Who Got 1 Billion Dollars Richer During Pandemic

Howard Schultz is CEO of Starbucks, and behind the company's notorious union busting. Over the last decade his wealth has increased by about $640,000 a day on average.

Workers Gather for First Labor Notes Conference in Four Years

Over 4,000 workers gathered in Chicago in June at the first Labor Notes conference in four years. The state of the labor movement exists on new terrain.

Watch June 18 Moral March On Washington & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly

We assemble and march on June 18, 2022 because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis.

Mixed Results in the Spring Primaries

The right wing poured tens of millions of dollars into TV ads attacking progressive candidates and causes. There were also victories won at the ballot box by the movement for justice.

Starbucks Union Drive Intensifies; Company Owner Lashes Back

The stage is now set for an epic battle, with Starbucks and its anti-union law firm on one side and the Starbucks workers and their union on the other.

Memorial for Al

Al was a wonderful friend and comrade who devoted his life to the fight for a society that respects and provides for the rights and well-being of the common working-class people, here and globally.

Starbucks Union Drive Spreads Like Wildfire

Workers at more than 100 Starbucks locations in 26 states have petitioned the National Labor Relations Board for union elections. The company responded with an aggressive anti-union campaign, but public support for the defiant Starbucks workers grows.

Farm workers unable to retire: A case grounded in colonial history

The son of farmworkers dedicates his essay to the retirees who cannot stop working: “May their lives inspire the rest of us to fight for a more just and humane society.”

Unite with our brothers and sisters across borders, says GM striker

A strike against General Motors is but one battle in what is a much bigger class war waged against “US” by owners of society. To paraphrase Walter ...

GM should respect workers, says autoworker

I think the protest is beautiful. The energy level is beautiful. The amount of community support that we’re getting from Canada, from union brothers and sisters from ...

2017: The significance of May Day

May Day signifies a very important moment for the working class. It’s a time to examine our experience and put forward a program and vision of what needs to be done ...

Facing a jobs ‘apocalypse’

Bruce Taylor is one of the biggest growers in California. Never a great friend of the workers whose labor has made his fortune, he told the AgTech Innovation Forum in ...

Saving the human race and healing our Earth

In a 2010 interview with Larry King, the famous scientist Stephen Hawking said, “We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity.” ...

2017: The significance of May Day

May Day signifies a very important moment for the working class. It’s a time to examine our experience and put forward a program and vision of what needs to be done ...

No more walls along the border!

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. This is a photo of the “wall” at the US-Mexican border, where family members on the US side speak through ...

The elections and a vision of a new society

McDonalds has announced they will open 25,000 robot-run restaurants. Amazon is replacing human stock pickers in its massive warehouses with robots. We’re living in revolutionary times. As robotics and computerization transform all existing industries ...

Public Healthcare is “waste” in the eyes of the super rich

Underneath the growing division of society into the super rich and the super poor is an ideology that goes by a lot of names—“lean” or “agile” to name two. That ...

Divided we fall

The attack on immigrants in America is relentless, as the articles in this issue of the paper illustrate. We must draw a line now. It is not possible—and our rulers are well aware—to have a ...

Sixty-one auto plants close in metro Detroit since 1979

The other day on my way home, three kids were selling bottled water for a dollar to the drivers stopped at the light at the corner of Mack & I-75. That is not unusual ...

“We need to build a workers’ movement that fills the streets”

Who holds power in America and how did they get it? The 1 percent. Mostly they bought it by using their money in ways that made them famous or wealthier. ...

What is “class?”

Class is a division in society based on the method by which the society produces the things people need to survive. Since class society began, there have been owning and

The manufactured Chicago public schools pension “crisis”

The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) pension “crisis” is a manufactured one. Even Senate President John Cullerton has said as much in public. ...

Attack on immigration programs are an attack on all workers

The recent court decisions to halt two immigration programs are an attack on all workers. A few days before the Expanded DACA (Deferred Action for ...

In this era of antagonism the attacks on us are relentless

Wages can consist of your paycheck, your profit sharing check and the cost of medical insurance for you and the family. They can also consist of the medical ...

The Era of Antagonism and 2015 Contract Negotiations

“When I look at the automation and robotics in our factories, it was that double edged sword. The folks that were running those machines were being killed/worn out because of the repetitive stress and heavy parts. ...

Fast food workers point the way

Fast Food worker strikes are sweeping the nation. City after city documents the impact of minimum wage workers taking a stand. The fight for fifteen movement, funded ...

Why the Chicago Sun Times fired its entire photo staff

The up and coming generation "Z" is totally based in robotics and electronics and have been raised on pixels. They were born into laptops, iPads, smartphones, texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc ...

Laid off Chicago Sun-Times photojournalist Speaks

When I heard Jim Kirk, Editor in chiefof the Chicago Sun-Times, say the entire photography department was being eliminated I looked to my hero, my mentor, my friend John H. White ...

Green Shadow Cabinet: stop the Trans Pacific partnership

On June 10 the Green Shadow Cabinet released an urgent call for resistance to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is a massive new free trade agreement currently being ...

The fight for good wages shows need for a new society

In recent months we have seen unprecedented demonstrations by fast food workers, retail workers, and other low-wage workers. These struggles are spread out across...

Operation Green Jobs:Unemployed March to Save Jobs and Save the Planet

On May 18, a group of marchers set out from Philadelphia, PA to march on the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. “What are the most dire issues we face?” asked march organizers ...

Mexico: Brutal Violence against Migrants

Our sisters and brothers who are Central and South American migrants are cruelly slaughtered when they head for the United States. First, they are massacured when crossing the southern border into Mexico ...

The Great Migration Together: the capitalist oligarchs of Mexico and the United States are driving millions off the land

“The village is almost without people,” an elderly woman told a reporter in tiny San Jeronimo Solola, Oaxaca, earlier this year. “Many houses are empty. The fathers and the sons have gone ...

The Dream Fifty Years Later: Fiftieth Anniversary of Detroit’s Civil Rights March

“Almost one hundred and one years ago, on September the 22nd, 1862, to be exact, a great and noble American, Abraham Lincoln, signed an executive order, which was to take effect ...

Emergency Manager Coming to a Town near You?

Detroit’s Emergency Manager, Kevyn Orr, has made his first report. The trends that caused the Detroit decline include a population decline of 250,000 from 2000-2010, declining tax revenues, a vast geographical space ...

A Tall Order from a Tall Union Man

 I told myself I was done kicking dead horses, sleeping giants, and inanimate movements. And then Right To Work For Less came to Michigan...

Injured L.A. teacher speaks out about CA worker’s comp corruption

 LOS ANGELES—I was an art teacher at Sepulveda Middle School in the San Fernando Valley near Los Angeles, when on December 8, 2000 I...

Robots, jobs, and the new economy

In recent months, the mainstream press has been extensively covering the impact of robotics on unemployment and the jobless recovery. Technology is replacing human...

Third Parties: From Impulse to Imperative

It is an American belief that our political parties will serve the interests of all Americans—that politicians are to serve the people of America...

Fighting corporate ‘Right to Work’ law

In the face of 12,000 protesters, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a right-to-work bill December 11, 2012, making Michigan the 24th state to become right to work ...

Bangladesh Garment Factory Workers Killed by Wal-Mart’s Low Prices

One day after “Black Friday,” when shoppers rushed to stores to buy holiday gifts and OUR WALMART rallied to raise salaries and increase full-time jobs with benefits ...