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Politics and Elections

Supreme Court Dismantles Federal Regulation of Business

Recent Supreme Court decisions have opened the floodgates to allow corporate interests, in the name of profit, to dismantle the system of federal regulation that protects our rights and wellbeing.

The Poor People’s & Low-wage Workers’ Moral March on D.C., & to the Polls!

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival hosted a march in Wash., DC, to uplift the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage workers across the U.S.

The Democratic and Republican Conventions: Let the Marchers March!

The Republican and Democratic parties are doing everything to stifle or contain demonstrations at the convention. Let the marchers march!

Debunking the Lies Politicians Say About Immigrants

Rebuilding the U.S. immigration system to be functional and humane requires dismissing harmful myths and inflammatory rhetoric in favor of truth and facts.

Oklahoma Voters Successfully Recall White Nationalist

Voters in Enid, OK recalled a city council member who was a former organizer for a white supremacist organization after he failed to distance himself from connections to white supremacist groups.

It’s a Women’s World

Millions of women have been standing up to fight, but now, all women are needed to engage in the movement. Organize, support women, strike, protect our freedoms, our rights, our mutual vision of health, peace, and love.

Over 68,000 Good Reasons to Vote for Bring Chicago Home 

In 2023, 68,440 Chicagoans experienced houselessness, lived on the streets, in shelters, or doubled-up. Bring Chicago Home was born out of the growing need to address the crisis in a real and meaningful way where people get housed and stay housed

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Introduces Bill to Stop Politicians Profiting from War

Congresswoman Tlaib introduces bill to stop politicians from funnelling billions of American tax dollars to same defense contractors many of them are invested in and taking campaign donations from.

Attacks on Black Americans Warn of Fascism

Every time Black Americans have advanced, there has been a democratizing effect for everyone, and every time the powerful have decided to turn back the clock on democracy, they start by attacking the rights of Blacks. We see this today.

Michigan Group Urges Primary Protest Vote Against Biden Over Gaza

Grassroots group in Michigan calls on voters to write in "undecided" on primary ballot by Biden's name.

Pro-Israel Lobbyists Spend Millions to Unseat Congress Members Calling for Peace

U.S. Congress members who called for peace in Palestine are being targeted for defeat in 2024 by well-funded political action committees. Now the Congress members are rallying voters to their cause.

Bring Chicago Home

Chicago voters will decide whether to increase the Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) on home sales of over $1 million, creating a dedicated source of funding for preventing and ending homelessness in Chicago.

Oklahoma Community Protests the Election of White Nationalist

Protest in Enid, Oklahoma over electing Judd Blevins to represent them on the Enid City Commission. Blevins has been accused of being an Oklahoma organizer for a white nationalist group.

A Moral Declaration for America

Read and sign an open letter to the President of the U.S., to Congress and to all people of this Republic who claim to be on the side of love, truth and justice on building the nation that's never yet been.

Billionaire-Funded Group Attacks Democracy Across US

The Foundation for Government Accountability, which aims to make ballot initiatives harder to pass, is being bankrolled by Illinois billionaire Richard Uihlein.

Poor People’s Campaign: Moral Mandate for Ending Poverty

The three-day Moral Poverty Action Poor People’s Congress will sound the alarm that poverty equals death. It brings together poor and low-wealth people and faith leaders to strategize on ending poverty and to ensure poverty is on the nation’s agenda heading into the 2024 elections

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Inaugural Speech on May 15:

Excerpts from the speech given by the new mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, after he was sworn in on May 15.

Senators Increase 14th Amendment Pressure on Biden to Protect Aid Programs

Bernie Sanders and 10 other Senators call for President Biden to invoke his 14th Amendment authority to avert a debt default and GOP’s demand to cut aid programs.

An Open Letter to Tennessee Governor Bill Lee

Tennessee resident writes letter to governor expressing her outrage at his refusal to pass meaningful legislation for gun reform, for allowing elected officials to be stripped of their position, and for doing nothing for the poor, pledging to vote accordingly.

Stand With Tennessee Students! Defend Democracy or Lose It

In a direct attack on democracy, one of three democratically elected TN representatives who stood up for students fighting for gun control has been expelled by the corporate funded Republicans.Two more face expulsion.

Chicago Artists Mobilize for Brandon Johnson

Interview with visual artist and social justice activist Monica Trinidad of Chicago’s Artists for Brandon Johnson about why Brandon Johnson should be supported; and why Johnson is really a people's candidate.

A Revolutionary Mayoral Runoff Race in Chicago

The contest is between Brandon Johnson, a native Chicagoan with concrete plans to address Chicago issues faced, and Paul Vallas, a privatizer with a proven track record of decimating public schools in Chicago, Philadelphia, and New Orleans.

Chicago’s 2023 Mayoral Election is a Polarizing One to Remember

Read an interview Pilsen resident and organizer,Tatiana Solis about the significance of the Chicago mayoral election to be held on April 4.

Chicago Mayoral Candidate Brandon Johnson: For a City Where Everyone Thrives

Read excerpts from the acceptance speech of Chicago mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson following the city's February 28 election. Brandon Johnson and Paul Vallas will face each other in a run-off election on April 4, 2023.

A Critical Thinker’s Guide to Voting for Police Accountability in Chicago

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, for the first time in U.S. history, Chicagoans will elect three district council members in each of the 22 police districts. These positions were created to hold the police accountable

Chicago Election: Seize the Opportunity for Change

This election gives Chicago’s voters a great way to send a message. It provides a practical way for voters to ask candidates what they will actually do to guarantee their demands, which include affordable housing, public education, immigrant rights, and ending police brutality.

Can We Handle the Truth?

The author argues that priorities must be structured on what is best for the 99%, not for the 1%. Billions of tax dollars are ready to purchase tanks, aircraft, etc., while poverty and police killings in America rise.

Message to The Grassroots

The November 8th election continues to resonant with more lessons each day. From new anti-democracy groups and denial of rights, to jailing women for an abortion, to voter suppression, either the people act to control our future or the corporations will.

The Elections: Some Progressive Wins, But the Fight Ain’t Over

In the recent elections, millions stood up for democracy, human rights, justice and equality, and millions voted for a government that guarantees the well-being of the people and not corporations and billionaires. The people suffered some losses, to be sure, and we still have a fight ahead of us, but there were a lot of victories as well.

Stacey Abrams: ‘I Got into this Race to Fight’

Supporters of Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate for Georgia governor, express great remorse at her loss to the far-right Governor Brian Kemp. He signed the 2021 voter suppression bill aimed especially at the suppression of the Black vote.

How Los Angeles Councilmember Cedillo Slipped Into Oblivion

A discussion of the corruption of L.A. Councilmember Cedillo and developer friends who fought for cruel legislation against the homeless and poor.

Fight for Our Lives at the Polls and in the Streets

Democracy itself and whether we will have a government that meets the people's needs are on the ballot in 2022, and we will have to continue fighting after the elections.

Don’t Let Your Vote Be Stolen

Read this article to find out what to do to secure your vote. The provisional ballot system has allowed for votes, especially of low-income persons of color, to be thrown out. An estimated 4 to 10 million voters might be purged this year, particularly Blacks, Indigenous peoples, Latinos, students and the poor.

A Win for Frontline Communities, Manchin Withdraws Dirty Deal from Senate Vote

Hundreds of national and grassroots groups made a victory for climate and against fossil fuel expansion possible by working together for a livable future for the planet.

Attack on Voting Rights

Ex-prisoners, told they have the right to vote, are dragged from their homes in handcuffs, by Florida Gov. DeSantis’ election police. All they ever wanted to do was participate in democracy.

‘This is our future’ — Generation Z leads the fight for justice in Kansas

Young activists in Kansas are leading the fight against abortion bans and voter suppression.

Kansas Voters Defeat Abortion Amendment in Unexpected Landslide

Kansas voters in an unexpected landslide defeated a constitutional amendment that would have stripped residents of abortion rights.

New Young Fighters Win in California Primary Election

SAN JOSE, CA — More and more young and progressive candidates who are fighting for affordable housing, equal comprehensive health care, quality education for all, and to reimagine public safety, are winning in California. 

Charges Dropped Against Officials Over Flint Poisoning

Charges have been dropped against Michigan officials, including former Gov. Rick Snyder, for their role in the poisoning of the people of Flint. The community demands justice.

Time for Bold Action: Jan. 6th Plus Court Rulings = Democracy in Danger

If anyone doubted that American democracy – however partial and imperfect – is in danger, the stunning revelations of the Jan. 6 hearings and the recent series of court rulings are a loud wake-up call.

Anti-union, pro-business Illinois governor reduces budget to nothing

In 2014, corporate money bought Bruce Rauner the office of governor in the very troubled state of Illinois. Rauner’s pro-business, anti-union agenda and his refusal to raise revenues ...

Elections: Growing poverty sets conditions for a new type of politics

On a recent trip to the northern part of Florida and in discussions with co-workers following the elections, I listened to the worries of workers who sit on the edge ...

Flint Water Crisis: Why I voted for Jill Stein

I put my heart, soul, spirit and HOPES in Bernie Sanders. HOPE that we could restore the wrongs. HOPE, that together, we could take back our government, ...

We need a vision of a new society to move forward

The question before us is: what kind of new society will replace this dying system? Will it be a police state that suppresses our struggle for survival and protects the property and wealth of the corporate class? Or will it be a cooperative society ...

The elections and a vision of a new society

McDonalds has announced they will open 25,000 robot-run restaurants. Amazon is replacing human stock pickers in its massive warehouses with robots. We’re living in revolutionary times. As robotics and computerization transform all existing industries ...

The elections and a vision of a new America

As the election season unfolds, economists are projecting that an even deeper downturn in the economy is underway. Already half of all Americans ...

True transformation never “closes its doors”

In an article written to illustrate the ridiculously rapid and uncontrollable rising rental rates in Mountain View, CA, a writer ...

July 4th: Break with the parties of corporate America

On July 4, 1776, during the American Revolution, the Second Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies approved the Declaration of Independence. While we are...

Emergency Manager Coming to a Town near You?

Detroit’s Emergency Manager, Kevyn Orr, has made his first report. The trends that caused the Detroit decline include a population decline of 250,000 from 2000-2010, declining tax revenues, a vast geographical space ...

The Crisis in Public Education: And Justice for All

The public school system in America is being gradually eliminated. Is it because it is the last area whereby corporations can create for-profit schools and the fact that our minority ...

Charter School Week – Front for Corporate Takeover of Education

On May 3, President Obama proclaimed May 5-11 National Charter School Week. The Chicago Tribune noted that this was an affront to Obama’s supporters in the teachers’ ...

Rally at Coachella City Hall Urges Governor not to Delay Medical Expansion

On April 11, advocates, health professionals, and community members came out in support of immediately expanding California's health care access under the Affordable Care Act ...

Death of Democracy Divides Detroit: The People vs the Corporations

As if we’d been soaked in a bucket of ice cold water, Detroiters and residents of surrounding communities have been shaken and shocked as we witness first-hand what a total State takeover looks ...

Earth Day 2013: Green Shadow Cabinet Launched

2012 Green Party presidential candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala honored Earth Day by announcing formation of a new opposition “Green Shadow Cabinet.” The purpose of the cabinet is to ...

Los Angeles City Elections: Corporate-sponsored candidates win many races

Despite a record breaking 16% voter turnout on March 5, there was a clear winner: Special Interest/Corporate- sponsored candidates in most of the races for Mayor, City Council, Los Angeles ...

Proud to be in the Green Party

Interview with John Gonzalez Jr.  For the People’s Tribune, Sandy Perry interviewed John Gonzalez Jr., who was recently elected Treasurer of the Philadelphia Green Party....

Illinois: Vote Green in the 2nd District!

 The Illinois Green Party nominated LeAlan Jones in December 2012 to run for the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois' 2nd Congressional District shortly...

A People’s Party based on People’s Needs

Interview with Tara Colon For the People’s Tribune, Sandy Peery interviewed Tara Colon. She is a mother of five and served as the Spanish Language...

Candidate Boycotts Debate Sponsored by TransCanada

Maria Selva for Texas Senate:  HOUSTON—Maria Selva, the Green Party candidate in the special election for Texas Senate District 6, boycotted the January 11 debate...

David Cobb and Move To Amend in PA & OH

David Cobb, 2004 Green Party presidential candidate and co-founder and spokesperson for the Move To Amend coalition is touring across PA and OH Jan...

Green Party Presidential Campaign Manager Speaks to Next Steps

I think the ruling class is done pretending that climate change is a question mark. The only question is what will be done in response to climate disaster? Who will pay? ...

Move to Amend: Fighting the Corporate Grip on Power

Move to amend (MTA) is a multi-racial coalition of groups and individuals coming together to demand a constitutional amendment to abolish two illegitimate ...

A New Green Deal for America

I am a Colorado native and a disabled senior. Today I received notice from the state that an “Administrative Error” was made and I was overpaid foodstamps. So effective ...

Texas Special Election: Green Party in ballot battle to stop toxic TransCanada XL Keystone Pipeline

On November 29 the Green Party launched a special election campaign for Texas Senate District 6 and to mobilize voters behind Maria Selva, a strong working class Latina ...