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Reproductive Rights

‘Fetal Personhood’ Laws Could Lead to Death Penalty for Abortions

Lawmakers in nine states have or are working to introduce bills to allow homicide charges against people suspected of having an abortion. Six of those states all have the death penalty for homicide.

A Third Woman Died Under Texas’ Abortion Ban. Doctors Are Avoiding D&Cs, Reaching for Riskier Miscarriage Treatments

Thirty-five-year-old Porsha Ngumezi’s case raises questions about how abortion bans are pressuring doctors to avoid standard care even in straightforward miscarriages.

Pregnant Teen Died: Seeks Care in Three Texas Emergency Rooms

Nevaeh Crain cried in pain, too weak to walk, blood staining her thighs. Vomiting and feverish at her baby shower, the teen went to two different emergency rooms, returning home, worse than before. Pregnant women have become untouchables.

Abortion Tragedies and a Georgia Victory

Grassroots organizations filed a lawsuit against Georgia's cruel abortion laws, and the county judge took a firm stand on the side of justice, writing in his ruling that “liberty in Georgia" includes "the power of a woman to control her own body . . . and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”

Future of Abortion in North Carolina Could Come Down to Hundreds of Votes

Fueled by women voters — Democrats say outrage about abortion restrictions could help them break a Republican supermajority [in North Carolina].

Georgia’s Deadly Abortion Ban: The Tragic Deaths of Two Women

Two Black women's deaths in the anti-abortion state of Georgia are ruled preventable by official committee including 10 doctors.