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How Will We Measure Up in This Critical Moment, Speaker Asks

Gregory Hodge gives a hopeful speech at a MLK Day celebration about the challenges of this critical moment, and asking each of us how we will measure up.

‘They Want Us To Be Afraid’

Speech by AJC (Austin Justice Coalition) founder about unity in the fight against the war against marginalized people.

Unspeakable Nightmare! Freezing Deaths of Two Homeless Children

In a case that is appalling the nation, Tateona Williams, a Detroit mother of five who was living with her children in a van,...

We Can End Poverty When We Unite

Voices of the heroic efforts of those who suffer from and fight poverty, horrors of homelessness, heartless immigrant policies, and war.

Martin Luther King Questioned the Whole System

Martin Luther King challenged the morality of capitalism and offered a vision of a different society on numerous occasions.

New Years Giving – Support Independent Journalism for the People

The People’s Tribune opens its pages to those who are struggling to survive in an America in crisis, so you can share your stories in your voice, along with your visions of a society and world that cares for everyone.

Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly March on Washington

The March on Washington was a phenomenal event that brought together people from all 50 states who work for a more just society. It brought the issues of 140 million poor and low wealth people to the nations’ seat of political power.

‘femme energy is our liberator’

“there is SO MUCH power and brilliance in femme bodies and brains. we are power despite what they try to strip from us . . . our future sees femme energy as our liberator. that there is hope.”

Watch June 18 Moral March On Washington & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly

We assemble and march on June 18, 2022 because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis.

‘We Are Not Afraid,’ Says Progressive San Francisco D.A., Ousted By Billionaires

San Francisco District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, speaks to supporters on the eve of his recall, funded by right-wing billionaires.

Why Are They Making War on Women?

The assault on women’s rights is part and parcel of the wholesale assault on democracy that has been under way for years and has reached a crescendo in the last two years with the attack on the right to vote.

Help us or leave us alone

These two stories are by women writing about homelessness and our society, reprinted from Facebook posts with the author’s permission.

Luis J. Rodriguez Thanks Supporters of His California Gubernatorial Campaign

Luis J. Rodriguez: "We articulated the seeds of a movement for shared well-being. I don’t know what we’ll call this, but we’ll continue along these lines as we mobilize and organize for a new California. "

Back on Campus: Teaching in Downtown LA.

LOS ANGELES, CA — I consider myself lucky to be able to wake up everyday, and to be responsible for this type of work. ...

The 2022 mid-term elections: Grassroots candidates step forward, speak truth to power

Important political primaries will take place in the next weeks and months. Will billionaires determine the results of the mid-term elections? Or will grassroots candidates mobilize the discontent brewing in this country?

Stop the War, Put the People First

This is a turning point for humanity, for better or worse — either we stop following the lead of corporations and billionaires and put the people of the world first, or we descend into the abyss of another world war and destroy ourselves.

What does “community” mean?

To some people, "the community" means "the people who live here" and to others it means "the people who pay to live here." To me, a community is not a group of people ...

2017: The significance of May Day

May Day signifies a very important moment for the working class. It’s a time to examine our experience and put forward a program and vision of what needs to be done ...

Humans have a higher moral value than a dollar

Everyone is aching for the kind of America we want and against what Trump and the class he represents need. Trump is not alone, he represents a class that is organized ...

2017: The significance of May Day

May Day signifies a very important moment for the working class. It’s a time to examine our experience and put forward a program and vision of what needs to be done ...

Attacks on a free press are an attack on democracy

As the corporations move to complete their takeover of the government, stamping out whatever democracy we have, the attack on the press and ...

We need a vision of a new society to move forward

  The question before us is: what kind of new society will replace this dying system? Will it be a police state that suppresses our...

We need a vision of a new society to move forward

The question before us is: what kind of new society will replace this dying system? Will it be a police state that suppresses our struggle for survival and protects the property and wealth of the corporate class? Or will it be a cooperative society ...

The elections and a vision of a new society

McDonalds has announced they will open 25,000 robot-run restaurants. Amazon is replacing human stock pickers in its massive warehouses with robots. We’re living in revolutionary times. As robotics and computerization transform all existing industries ...

Homelessness and the new world we could have

This society is dying right before our eyes. Capitalism has advanced to the stage where human labor is becoming obsolete. The micro-chip processor, introduced into ...

Dictator law poisoned Flint: Harbinger for America?

  A battle is unfolding in America. The workers are fighting for life itself— for food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education against a corporate class...

Flint in forefront of battle for health care for everyone

  America’s inability to provide good health care for all is most clearly visible when we have a health catastrophe such as exists today in...

Cooperative spirit key to ending homelessness

Despite massive rollout efforts, Covered California (ACA and Medicaid Expansion), have not yet proved the long-term healthcare solution for the ...

Homeless assert their right to life

Tent cities are popping up everywhere. Uncaring city governments tear them down as they go up. Homelessness illustrates the decay of an economic system ...

The elections and a vision of a new America

As the election season unfolds, economists are projecting that an even deeper downturn in the economy is underway. Already half of all Americans ...

Water for life, not for profit

  The poisoning of the people of Flint, Michigan—especially the children—with lead and other toxins in the drinking water is just the latest ugly example...

African American History Month, 2016

African American History Month 2016 finds society becoming more polarized around wealth and poverty as the economy continues to replace workers with automated production ...

We have the capacity for a happy human race

There’s a difference between dreams and visions in the political sense. A dream doesn’t have any foundation, it’s fantastic glory… For example, every Wednesday night I buy ...

Will machine produced wealth be shared? asks scientist

  "If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if...

Ulises Bella of Ozomatli discusses a changing America

I grew up here in this area southeast, L.A., in Bell, California. At a very early age in sixth grade I was getting bused. My bus went through South Central ...

Vision of a just society

Some have asked what my vision, as a Christian is, for a just society. So, for what it is worth, here it is: Well for one, Acts 2 described an egalitarian society, in the early Church, where resources were shared equally to each according to their needs, ...

Nelson Peery, 1923-2015

It is with great sorrow that we inform you that our beloved comrade, Nelson Peery, editorial board member and founder of the People’s Tribune, ...

The Bricklayer: In Memory of Nelson Peery

In Memory of Nelson Peery
At 92 years young,
He had to know
He would not see
The future he envisioned

Upon Reading “Man With the Hoe”

Strangling in the muck of history.
He leans against the tavern wall.
And silently gazes across the Avenue.
Where watchdogs of property.
With vulture eyes and shotguns

Portrait of Nelson Peery

With a small stick he worked the grains of wheat
out of the cracks between the rotten boards
of the boxcar floor flying through the Depression
and built a little mountain of them in his palm,

In this era of antagonism the attacks on us are relentless

Wages can consist of your paycheck, your profit sharing check and the cost of medical insurance for you and the family. They can also consist of the medical ...

Police violence aimed at poorest workers

Unable to further disregard the growing mass reaction to police violence, spreading poverty and deepening social crisis, the ruling class has taken the tactical...

Growing homelessness demands planned economy

The fact that there is such a thing as homelessness in America is a shameful national crime. Every winter, countless homeless people die from...

Water is a human right!

Corporate investors have a long-term goal to privatize the public’s water and make it available only to those who can pay. This is legal under ...

Police killing of teen ruled lawful

Protests broke out after the Madison, WI, district attorney ruled that the killing of 19-yearold Tony Robinson was a lawful use of deadly ...

Solution to housing crisis

The suffering in Silicon Valley’s housing crisis is not an aberration or temporary dysfunction. It is the predictable result of a dying system ...

Juneteenth 2015: From racial division to class unity

Congress abolished slavery in the U.S. territories. This historic event is celebrated as "Juneteenth." Juneteenth 2015 is a fitting moment ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to homeless organizations and places where the homeless gather!

Every day one of the largest concentrations of police power anywhere in the world descends on a small part of downtown Los ...


Change can only occur when the people achieve a vision of the kind of new society that is possible. As we formulate our vision...