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Wealth and Poverty

A Love Letter to Altadena

Our elected officials seem unable or unwilling to keep the financial vultures out of Altadena. We can only win if we fight together to ensure our future.

As Trump-Musk Target Social Security, Medicare, Seniors Share Stories of Benefit Cut Offs

Seniors share horror stories of receiving notification from their bank that the SSA requested and withdrew money from their bank for benefits paid after the supposed death of their spouse. “Musk and Trump are breaking Social Security to turn it over to Wall Street,” says an advocacy group.

Where’s Trump? America’s Poorest Counties Devastated by Historic Flooding Speak Out.

West Virginia people devastated by the flooding are crying out for help from the Trump administration. They speak on whether FEMA should be abolished, as Trump is proposing.

‘We Are The Economy.’ Stand in Solidarity with Economic Disruption

If there is ever a time to take action to save some sort of democracy in the United States it is now. Many organizations...

Groups Confront Billionaire’s Institute Pushing Laws Criminalizing Homeless

Homeless groups in Austin protest state legislation criminalizing homeless people; pushed by billionaire invested in the private prison industry.

Unspeakable Nightmare! Freezing Deaths of Two Homeless Children

In a case that is appalling the nation, Tateona Williams, a Detroit mother of five who was living with her children in a van,...

Call From the Front: Organize Against Attack on Poor and Unhoused by Trump and His Billionaires

While the Trump/Musk attack on federal agencies is broad-based and will impact people in all walks of life, poor and unhoused communities – disproportionately people of color – are being specially targeted.

Top Republican Links Attacks on Poor to Tax Cuts for Rich

Trump and Republicans in Congress showed they would happily cut things like Meals on Wheels, housing assistance, and food for mothers and young children, to fund tax breaks for billionaires.

Homeless, Low-Income Families, Rely on Public Schools; And They’re Under Attack

The privatization drive means dismantling public schools. Money is shifted out of the public school system into exclusionary, discriminatory private school systems. And homeless kids and families are the first to be hit.

Outrage Against America’s For Profit Health Care System Grows

The US public response to the murder speaks volumes about Americans’ widespread disgust with a profit-driven health care system that leaves so many destitute or simply dead, says Jacobin.

Outrage Grows as Democrats Silence Palestinian Voices—Echoes of 1964

Outrage is growing over the DNC leadership’s refusal to allow even one Palestinian-American to address the Convention from its main stage, in an echo of the 1964 Democratic convention.

Poor People’s Army: Protest of the Poor at the Democratic National Convention

The Poor People’s Army, a national group of poor and homeless people with a history of staging nonviolent protests, faces pressure from Chicago officials to stay away from DNC.

Eric Mays: Flint Firebrand Passes Away

A larger-than-life figure, Flint Michigan's Eric Mays was dubbed “the voice”, not only for his deep baritone, but for his relentless pursuit of social justice.

Facts Refute the Lies Told About Immigrants

Refuting the lies that undocumented immigrants are “more likely to commit crimes,” and that immigrants take jobs away from people in the U.S.

Most Texas Border Counties Lack Adequate Medical Services & Staff

Twenty nine poor Texas border counties are designated medically underserved. Residents lack access to primary care services, sites, or providers to meet their medical needs. There is an effort to change that.

Summer Lee Votes No on GOP Bill Protecting Ultra-Wealthy Tax Cheats at Expense of Children in PA, Gaza and Israel

Summer Lee says Republicans' plan to exploit a horrific war to help billionaire donors cheat on taxes would cost taxpayers $90 billion, enough to end hunger, homelessness, student debt, and more.

Abandoning the Poor

A shocking abandonment amid abundance is the state of the poor in this country. Will we condemn millions of us to cruel and unnecessary poverty, while feeding the drive to authoritarianism or will we lift poverty and so strengthen the very foundation of our democracy?

Poor People’s Campaign: Moral Mandate for Ending Poverty

The three-day Moral Poverty Action Poor People’s Congress will sound the alarm that poverty equals death. It brings together poor and low-wealth people and faith leaders to strategize on ending poverty and to ensure poverty is on the nation’s agenda heading into the 2024 elections

Montana … Where Hungry Children Are Just Too Much Paperwork

Montana will not take $10 million in funding for summer food programs that would have helped feed hungry children across the state, all because the paperwork was just too much for the state.

L.A. Skid Row Organizer: ‘We’re Educating About Unconstitutional Laws’

General Dogon, homeless organizer in Los Angeles' 'Skid Row' community, reports on efforts to oppose LA's city-wide ordinance 41.18, which makes 20 percent of the city off-limits to the homeless.

‘SURPRISE: You are Under Criminal Investigation for Buying Hotel Rooms for the Homeless’

The co-founder of Food not Bombs writes about his recent arrest for providing food to the hungry during the California storms and new charges related to his effort to house people during the Pandemic.

‘We Are People, We Are Human, We Have Rights’

Roy Sterling Trout, based in Tucson, AZ tells his story of being homeless for most of his adult life, for 29 years. He advocates for the homeless, and produces podcasts that give a voice to the unhoused.

Martin Luther King Questioned the Whole System

Martin Luther King challenged the morality of capitalism and offered a vision of a different society on numerous occasions.

Mississippi Welfare Fraud Highlights a State Facing a Crisis of Leadership

Many Mississippi families in need are denied assistance because funds targeted for the poor support things like pet projects of millionaire athletes, new volleyball courts, or sending affluent individuals to luxury rehab facilities.

No More Sacrifices

Liz Theoharis, Co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign discusses why it is time for us to fight for a comprehensive, intersectional, bottom-up approach to the injustices that continually unfold around us.

Behind Starbucks Union Busting is CEO Who Got 1 Billion Dollars Richer During Pandemic

Howard Schultz is CEO of Starbucks, and behind the company's notorious union busting. Over the last decade his wealth has increased by about $640,000 a day on average.

The City of Santa Cruz Plans Eviction of Hundreds of Houseless People

Santa Cruz, CA, plans to evict the Benchlands Camp of hundreds of unhoused people. Even when provided with millions of dollars from the state and federal governments, the city, in one of the wealthiest places on Earth, can't even offer dignified housing for people in need.

Fueling the Warfare State

An $813 billion proposal for “national defense,” was made by the Biden administration in March for the military-industrial complex. This when the greatest risks to the safety of Americans and rest of world are not military. Covid took 1 million people in the US, and the fires, floods, and heat waves caused by climate change impact tens of millions.

San Joaquin Valley: Taps Run Dry in Record Heat

San Joaquin Valley communities in California are going without water in the midst of record heat, and this is particularly affecting low-income people.

Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly March on Washington

The March on Washington was a phenomenal event that brought together people from all 50 states who work for a more just society. It brought the issues of 140 million poor and low wealth people to the nations’ seat of political power.

Gas Prices and Inflation – What’s REALLY going on!

Far-right amplifiers blame environmentalists for the increase in gas prices. They claim prices will fall if we allow more fracking. These are lies.

Watch June 18 Moral March On Washington & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly

We assemble and march on June 18, 2022 because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis.

Mixed Results in the Spring Primaries

The right wing poured tens of millions of dollars into TV ads attacking progressive candidates and causes. There were also victories won at the ballot box by the movement for justice.

Covid-19 network demands Gov. Pritzker Issue Emergency Order to Stop All Pharmacy Closings

People in the Pilsen community in Chicago protest the closing of the local CVS pharmacy. CVS stores are especially sparse in black, brown, and less affluent neighborhoods.

Moms4Housing Hosts Oakland Mayoral Forum

Hear from #OakMayor candidates on their plans to address #homelessness and the housing affordability crisis. Sponsored by Moms4Housing

Bitter Recall of San Francisco’s D.A.: An attack on reform

Billionaires and corporate interests, bankroll recall of San Francisco’s District Attorney Chesa Boudin who prosecuted criminal acts such as wage theft, worked to reform the justice system and hold police accountable when they break the law.

‘We Are Not Afraid,’ Says Progressive San Francisco D.A., Ousted By Billionaires

San Francisco District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, speaks to supporters on the eve of his recall, funded by right-wing billionaires.

Hate is Not a Mental Illness

Gun violence impacts us all and demands that we all play a part in ending it. Sarah Meade of Gryphon Place discusses some steps.

Help us or leave us alone

These two stories are by women writing about homelessness and our society, reprinted from Facebook posts with the author’s permission.

Luis J. Rodriguez Thanks Supporters of His California Gubernatorial Campaign

Luis J. Rodriguez: "We articulated the seeds of a movement for shared well-being. I don’t know what we’ll call this, but we’ll continue along these lines as we mobilize and organize for a new California. "

Puerto Ricans’ Fight for Freedom — Parts 2 and 3

This is installments two and three of a brief history of the Puerto Rican people’s fight for freedom.

Benton Harbor Water

It appears that the powerful and well-heeled forces of corporate America are once again targeting the Reverend Edward Pinkney, president of the grassroots Benton Harbor Community Water Council, for the “crime” of standing up for the poor, the elderly, and the children by providing people with safe drinking water.

Stop the War, Put the People First

This is a turning point for humanity, for better or worse — either we stop following the lead of corporations and billionaires and put the people of the world first, or we descend into the abyss of another world war and destroy ourselves.

Illinois illegally ignores needs of people for Human Services

The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) cannot serve ...

Unity forged in the fight for human needs and rights

Society is going through epochal changes. We live in a time of revolutionary transition from an economy based on securing a living through working for wages to one based on robotics, which makes human labor unnecessary ...

What does “community” mean?

To some people, "the community" means "the people who live here" and to others it means "the people who pay to live here." To me, a community is not a group of people ...

Demand for housing is demand for new world

In Berkeley, CA, a plan to put homeless people into a camp that resembles a refugee or prison camp, with fence and guard shack, has outraged the homeless and ...

Homeless in Silicon Valley

I first ended up homeless when I had to move out of an elderly man's house who allowed me to live there in exchange for ten hours of work a week. I was a ...

The real plight of the homeless told by homeless

Housing is not a reality. How many years do you have to wait? So, until then, you are a target. No stability at all. Keep your gear close. They are coming for you. No ...

California homeless hit by floods

Amanda Fukamoto was displaced from her encampment when San Jose’s Coyote Creek flooded in February. Along with hundreds of other homeless people ...

The struggle for democracy in America intensifies

The 2016 presidential election was one of the most divisive in our country’s history. This is no surprise, given the economic, moral, and political crisis we face ...

No more walls along the border!

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. This is a photo of the “wall” at the US-Mexican border, where family members on the US side speak through ...

How we can fight the corporate dictatorship

  According to a famous story, car manufacturer Henry Ford and labor leader Walter Reuther toured a new automated engine production plant during the mid-1950s....

Public Healthcare is “waste” in the eyes of the super rich

Underneath the growing division of society into the super rich and the super poor is an ideology that goes by a lot of names—“lean” or “agile” to name two. That ...

Juneteenth 2016 and the possibility of class unity

Born out of the Civil War struggles against slavery, “Juneteenth” (June 19th), has always been a time to celebrate what’s been won and to soberly assess what’s ahead ...

Live Community Culture

CHICAGO, IL — A spectre haunts the Americas, a spectre composed of millions of artivists who have united to rescue communities from the attacks of the corporative dictatorship that destroys us with its death doctrine.

What will new financial austerity law impose on Puerto Rico?

Financial crisis and an un-payable debt have become the ideological media propaganda regarding the social and economic problems that cage Puerto ...

New book about homelessness: Dispatches from the War Zone

Independent journalist Mike Rhodes has been involved in homeless issues in Fresno, California since 2002. His tenacity as an investigative reporter has ...

“The system is rigged,” says Rev. Pinkney from prison

You will never ever see me associating with Michael Jordan or Lebron James: they believe in the system, the establishment. They’re rich. I’m poor. But I ...

Baltimore: Police violence increases as jobs decrease

Last spring Freddie Gray died in Baltimore Police custody. Freddie Gray came from a part of Baltimore called Sandtown. Here one-third of the housing units ...

cold rain

cold rain
here you come again
and my friends' shoes not dry
from the last one

Police murder of poor continues in Chicago area

If the capitalists do not need to hire you, they will not provide your loved ones with mental health treatment services. They will not resolve your domestic troubles ...

revolt and Gargoyles weep

as necessary as food
it is the riffraff
the slaves the freed
into poverty

We Can Provide Health Care to Everyone

  If we need any more reasons to nationalize health care so it can be guaranteed to all, the horror stories in America surrounding the...

New voter ID laws aimed at the poor

“ROLL TIDE ROLL” is the clarion call in Alabama to cheer on the University of Alabama football team. But due to budget cuts in Alabama’s general fund ...

Housing crisis reflects dying system

  The city of Detroit recently announced it will begin foreclosure on nearly 30,000 tax delinquent homes. It is believed that 100,000 people could be...

Stop the killings

  A young reporter and cameraman killed on live television. A nine year-old girl shot dead through her bedroom window as she sits doing homework....

Hunger strike forces city to reopen school

Twelve people—teachers, parents, grandparents—began a hunger strike in early August to get Chicago Public Schools to re-open Walter Dyett High School ...

Vision of a just society

Some have asked what my vision, as a Christian is, for a just society. So, for what it is worth, here it is: Well for one, Acts 2 described an egalitarian society, in the early Church, where resources were shared equally to each according to their needs, ...

HUD “learns” about Detroit’s foreclosure and water crisis

After months and months of DAILY emails from Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO), on September 8, the Department of Housing and Urban ...

Letter to the Editor

This letter was sent to the People’s Tribune in response to the article in the September 2015 edition entitled, “Judge drops bomb on illegal...

Tenant uprising in Silicon Valley

People in San Jose, California and elsewhere in the Silicon Valley area have erupted in a surge of organizing activity around skyrocketing rents and ...

Housing is a human right

“Human bodies need sleep—Humans need a place to sleep!” read the sign in front of a Tent City in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. Hot dogs off ...

Thousands of tax foreclosures devastate Detroit

By Geo Errol Jennings, President, Russell Woods Neighborhood Association Please understand why coming together is important! The NAACP is not doing it. The churches are...

Benton Harbor: “You deserve to be heard!”

I’m running for Commissioner at Large in Benton Harbor, MI. Mary Donald, the previous commissioner passed away. Up to then I had no ...

“Lead astray”: Drinking water in Flint, MI unsafe

Despite claims by city and state officials that the water supply in Flint is safe to drink, independent expert tests conclusively show that city’s drinking ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Help get the People’s Tribune out to homeless organizations and places where the homeless gather! Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an...

From racial division to class unity

There is an old saying, “a hungry belly has no color.” This is the reality the ruling class fears. While starving the workers it no longer needs ...

Water Justice Journey

The march came out of the International Gathering on Water and Housing held in Detroit in May. It began in Detroit where tens of thousands ...

West Virginia fighters speak out at water conference

“My stepfather, father, grandfather and uncles all worked in the coal industry,” said Paula. “My grandfather was in the industry 45 years and ...

Emergency Manager law enables corporate takeover of Michigan’s water

In 2001, the notorious right-wing think tank, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, devoted their quarterly magazine “Michigan Privatization ...

Grassroots movement of homeless is forming

A statewide grass roots movement of homeless people, formerly homeless, and their supporters is forming in Florida to resist those who ...

Let us put humanity first! says formerly homeless woman

I have been homeless for the past three years, just moving out of homelessness recently. I’m here to talk to you about my personal experiences ...

Sixty-one auto plants close in metro Detroit since 1979

The other day on my way home, three kids were selling bottled water for a dollar to the drivers stopped at the light at the corner of Mack & I-75. That is not unusual ...

The #LetUsBreathe Collective: One-year later

People’s Tribune correspondent Adam Gottlieb interviews Damon Williams, co-director and founding member of The #LetUsBreathe Collective in Chicago, IL. This is part of a...

Letter to the Editor: Police killing of pregnant Mom

“Thank you for your story on Jeanetta Riley [pictured above]. I knew Jeanetta. She had a good heart and did not deserve to go out like this. ...

When hunger is a crime

I want to attend Chicago’s Moral Monday March, but I cannot because I am going to be in a Cook County courtroom to support two teenagers accused of retail theft. They had no food ...

“We need to build a workers’ movement that fills the streets”

Who holds power in America and how did they get it? The 1 percent. Mostly they bought it by using their money in ways that made them famous or wealthier. ...

The Revival in Philly (US Social Forum)

Meeting with Immortal Technique, and Rebel Diaz, may have been the highlight of a trip I took from Florida to Philadelphia to be at this summer's ...

We must stand together and demand justice

My name is Rev. Edward Pinkney. I am in prison in Coldwater, Michigan, a victim of racism and corporate power in Berrien County, Michigan. ...

“I pray the whole judicial system is investigated,” says Benton Harbor Commissioner-at-Large

I’m trying to get Marcus Muhammad elected as mayor in the August election in Benton Harbor. After examining everything we have gone ...

What is “class?”

Class is a division in society based on the method by which the society produces the things people need to survive. Since class society began, there have been owning and

Access to water is a human right

Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the Peoples Water Board have fought tooth and nail over these last 16 months, in every way possible ...

Homeless in fight for their survival

In New York City they might find temporary housing—New York has beds for about 60% of its 50,000 homeless residents, lodging many in filthy ...

Drastic budget cuts

Drastic budget cuts spark the Moral Monday movement in Illinois: “We are told there is no alternative... that the state just doesn’t ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an economic system based on the private property of a billionaire owning class. Automation is replacing workers ...

Housing is a cure for homelessness

In a movie to be released this September, “99 Homes,” real estate shark Rick Carver relays this message to an evicted suburban homeowner: “America ...

Nationalize healthcare for all

You have to be rich to get good healthcare in America. One in three Americans say they have trouble paying medical bills. Even the relatively ...

“Im not ready to give up! A victory for homeless rights

What we have here is an occupation, a fight for the commons, a fight for homeless rights. We have a literature table, we have a free box, we have ...

Illinois poverty increases and the children pay the price

One thing we know for certain here in Southern Illinois is that times are hard! Good paying jobs have all but disappeared. Part-time minimum wage and ...

Water struggles: Assault on poor galvanizes response

As State Chairperson of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization, I am reminded that in the State Capitol in Lansing stands a bronze statue of ...

International Social Movements Gathering on Water and Affordable Housing, Detroit, MI

“In 2012 the city stopped sending out water bills. Now residents are getting water bills for thousands of dollars. The bills are attached to your property ...

The manufactured Chicago public schools pension “crisis”

The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) pension “crisis” is a manufactured one. Even Senate President John Cullerton has said as much in public. ...

The Chicago pension struggle and beyond

Illinois, and particularly Chicago, are notorious for their brazen addiction to wealth, corruption and waste. Meanwhile, there are now over 20,000 homeless students in Chicago Public Schools ...

The political significance of the Charleston killings

Across the country, churchgoers, community groups and everyday people are voicing heartfelt grief, shock and outrage over the massacre of ...

The shootings in Charleston: The American Sin

The fear of being a person of color in America was brought once again to the forefront of everyday living, exploding onto the pages of reality ...

Attack on immigration programs are an attack on all workers

The recent court decisions to halt two immigration programs are an attack on all workers. A few days before the Expanded DACA (Deferred Action for ...

“Build a society where the people, not corporations, make the decisions”

The vicious, cowardly attack on democracy in Benton Harbor, Michigan, shows that the corporate power structure is determined to crush anyone ...

“We are all here together” says Benton Harbor activist

In 2012, Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams from Cleveland, Ohio, were driving in their older model car, in need of repair, when it backfired. ...

Rev. Pinkney jailed for being a spokesperson for the poor

Rev. Edward Pinkney, convicted without evidence of changing dates on petitions in a recall election of corporate-backed Mayor James Hightower, is filing a motion to be ...

Police violence aimed at poorest workers

Unable to further disregard the growing mass reaction to police violence, spreading poverty and deepening social crisis, the ruling class has taken the tactical...

Highland Park, MI: Families may lose homes over water bills

Cathy Talbott of the People’s Tribune interviewed Eban Morales, a member of the Highland Park (Michigan) Human Rights Coalition ...

No Jobs, No Water: How much longer do we have to live like this?

Baltimore City, whose police are under Federal investigation for outrageous cruelty, started shutting off water to 150 families a day. ...

California drought affects poor disproportionately

Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in the rich agricultural state of California, which is enduring the fourth ...

Homeless pregnant Mom killed by police

Jeanetta Riley, a pregnant homeless mother of three who suffered from emotional difficulties, was killed by police as she waved a knife ...

Welcome to the new Jim Crow

Families across this country celebrated Mother's Day, however, there are mothers who will not have praises uttered to them ...

“A spectacle of horror” in Baltimore

I'm sort of shell shocked from my time in Baltimore during the unrest. First thing you see is the National Guard holding huge ...

“System designed with children’s interests at the bottom,” says homeless Mom

On January 3, 2015, my family parked the camper van we have been living in near “Slab City” in Niland, California. Slab City is ...

Solution to housing crisis

The suffering in Silicon Valley’s housing crisis is not an aberration or temporary dysfunction. It is the predictable result of a dying system ...

True transformation never “closes its doors”

In an article written to illustrate the ridiculously rapid and uncontrollable rising rental rates in Mountain View, CA, a writer ...

Saving rural hospitals is key to Health Care for All

Rural hospitals everywhere are fighting for their existence. Fifty have closed since 2010, affecting the jobs, health, and lives of over 800,000 ...

Michigan’s energy future at a crossroads

Just after the fourth anniversary of the ongoing nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima on March 11, here in Michigan we stand at a pivotal ...

“Let’s join together and fight this monster,” says Rev. Pinkney from prison

Today I am speaking from Lakeland prison. If we assume that life is worth living and a man has a right to service, I will say that the ...

Voices from Benton Harbor

The quotes below are from Benton Harbor residents. The community is deeply concerned about the railroading of Rev. Pinkney for his ...

Say no to corporate control of Benton Harbor

We must say no to the dictator and slave master, Whirlpool. They are destroying the city of Benton Harbor by stealing land and by driving the people completely out of the city to build a ...

Healthcare and civility spiral out of control

As Detroit continues to be one of the "poster child" cities of corporate America’s exercise of total control, each day presents another challenge to basic rights. Democracy in Michigan was ...

Why America is “For Sale” The fight for a new world

In a recent movie, a billionaire approached a man and offered him a million dollars to spend the night with his wife. The man...

Operation Green Jobs:Unemployed March to Save Jobs and Save the Planet

On May 18, a group of marchers set out from Philadelphia, PA to march on the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. “What are the most dire issues we face?” asked march organizers ...

Mexico: Brutal Violence against Migrants

Our sisters and brothers who are Central and South American migrants are cruelly slaughtered when they head for the United States. First, they are massacured when crossing the southern border into Mexico ...

The Great Migration Together: the capitalist oligarchs of Mexico and the United States are driving millions off the land

“The village is almost without people,” an elderly woman told a reporter in tiny San Jeronimo Solola, Oaxaca, earlier this year. “Many houses are empty. The fathers and the sons have gone ...

The Crisis in Public Education: And Justice for All

The public school system in America is being gradually eliminated. Is it because it is the last area whereby corporations can create for-profit schools and the fact that our minority ...

Charter School Week – Front for Corporate Takeover of Education

On May 3, President Obama proclaimed May 5-11 National Charter School Week. The Chicago Tribune noted that this was an affront to Obama’s supporters in the teachers’ ...

Salt on the Wound for the Poor: Storage Facilities Snatch Sensitive Stuff

If you’re one of countless people with no friend or family member with a basement or garage to store your stuff when you have to make an unexpected move (disaster, foreclosure, domestic ...

Rally at Coachella City Hall Urges Governor not to Delay Medical Expansion

On April 11, advocates, health professionals, and community members came out in support of immediately expanding California's health care access under the Affordable Care Act ...

Corporations determine if a tenant is “guilty” of a crime, Cabrini Green

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Title 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Section§966.4 Lease requirements, Part (l)(5)(iii) Eviction for criminal Activity ...

Whirlpool and Emergency Manager move to take control of Benton Harbor Parks

Every American ought to have the right to vote and their vote should mean something. Everyone ought to have the right to clean air and clean water, to integrity and transparency in a democracy ...

Poverty and the Profit Motive

 Disparity is all around us, pocketed by great bunkers of wealth. Fortified swimming pools and Rolls Royces share the same intersections as shopping cart...

Cabrini Green evictions

 March 6, 2013 marks the 156th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision in which Chief Justice Roger B. Taney declared that...

Robots, jobs, and the new economy

In recent months, the mainstream press has been extensively covering the impact of robotics on unemployment and the jobless recovery. Technology is replacing human...

“Whose Names Are Unknown” by Sanora Babb

A Book Review Sanora Babb offered this explanation for the title of her novel, Whose Names Are Unknown. “The title of this book is taken...

After Chicago Teachers’ Strike: Next Phase is School Closings

 When the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted to end their strike, teachers around the country applauded their accomplishments.  The union had resisted the corporate...

The People will Rise Up against Austerity

An Interview with Shamako Noble  The Peoples Tribune interviewed Shamako Noble, the Racial and Economic Justice Organizer for Jill Stein’s 2012 Green Party campaign for...

Debt is the Tie that Binds the 99%

Debtors Assemblies are rising across the country. People come together in public spaces to discuss how we all are ensnared in debt. The natural question always comes ...