
Supreme Court Dismantles Federal Regulation of Business

Recent Supreme Court decisions have opened the floodgates to allow corporate interests, in the name of profit, to dismantle the system of federal regulation that protects our rights and wellbeing.

Campaign to Debunk the Lies about Migrants and Refugees

Join a campaign to combat the mainstream lies and shine a moral light on the truth: that no human being is illegal, and seeking asylum is a human right.

U.S. Supreme Court’s Criminalization of Homeless Met with Universal Disgust

A movement is growing against the latest “legalized” atrocity on the most vulnerable, in governments, among advocates, ordinary people, and most importantly, by organized and individual homeless people. As said in the homeless movement, “We only get what we are organized to take!”

Project 2025: Far Right’s Plan to Demolish Immigration Threatens All of Us

The right-wing Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, billed as a policy playbook for a second Trump administration, includes provisions that would demolish the existing immigration system and set the stage for mass deportations.

Supreme Court Rules Arresting, Citing People for Not Having Shelter is Constitutional

Criminalizing the homeless for sleeping in public spaces when having no other option does not violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of U.S. Constitution’s Eighth Amendment, according to new ruling.

Homeless in Las Vegas: No Reprieve from the Heat

If you are among the growing number of the Las Vegas homeless there is little to no reprieve from the heat.

Juneteenth: Historian Clint Smith on the History of Slavery Across America

interview with historian Clint Smith about the significance of Juneteenth, a federal holiday which marks the end of slavery in the U.S.

The Democratic and Republican Conventions: Let the Marchers March!

The Republican and Democratic parties are doing everything to stifle or contain demonstrations at the convention. Let the marchers march!

Debunking the Lies Politicians Say About Immigrants

Rebuilding the U.S. immigration system to be functional and humane requires dismissing harmful myths and inflammatory rhetoric in favor of truth and facts.

Flint is Still Broken — 10 Years Later

Hear Flint voices at the 10-Year after Commemoration of the water crisis.

The Distortion of Campus Protests over Gaza

Helen Benedict, a Columbia University journalism professor, describes how the right wing has used accusations of anti-semitism against campus protests to distract attention from the death toll in Gaza.

Shawn Fain: May Day 2028 Could Transform the Labor Movement—and the World

UAW Shawn Fain discusses a general strike in 2028 and the collective power and unity needed to win the demands of the working class.

Strawberry Workers May Day March

Photos by David Bacon of Strawberry workers parading through Santa Maria on a May Day march, demanding a living wage.  Most are indigenous Mixtec migrants from Oaxaca and southern Mexico. 

Professor’s Violent Arrest Spotlights Brutality of Police Crackdown on Campus Protests

The violent arrest of Emory University Prof. Caroline Fohlin April 25 in Atlanta shows the degree to which democracy is being trampled as resistance to the Gaza genocide grows.


Homelessness Ruling May Further Endanger Domestic Violence Survivors

57 percent of unhoused women report domestic violence as their immediate cause of homelessness. The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold an Oregon law could further limit their options

Sacramento Homeless Union’s Projects of Survival

Climate change and extreme weather is a real thing. This is evidenced by the fact that extreme weather events are becoming increasingly frequent and more intense.

In a Democracy Presidents Are Elected, Not Kings or Dictators

On July 2, the U.S. Supreme Court formally declared that former President Trump is above the law. Yes, we can end up with a felon, a liar, and a criminal for president. But on a grander scale, ruling puts Trump and future presidents above the law – leading us toward a dictatorship.

Victory Over Big Oil In Campaign For Safe, Healthy California

After Spending $61 Million In A Failed Effort To Deceive Voters, Big Oil Withdraws California Referendum In Defeat



Witness at the Border

In December, 2022 a group of people began a 2,200 mile Journey for Justice along the US-Mexico border.

Border Human Rights Videos

Exploring human rights violations along our southern border.

Corporate Landlords’ Profits Soar as Tenants Drown in Rent Hikes and Fees

Through-the-roof rent hikes based on greed—not need—have kept many Americans from getting ahead,’ said one advocate at Accountable.US.

‘We Have Faith’: Migrants Still Arriving, Despite Biden’s New Executive Order

Humanitarian groups expect more uncertainty and suffering with new policy changes at the border.

The Poor People’s & Low-wage Workers’ Moral March on D.C., & to the Polls!

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival hosted a march in Wash., DC, to uplift the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage workers across the U.S.

Camp Resolution Wins Lawsuit Against City of Sacramento

Camp Resolution, the self-governing encampment for unhoused Sacramento residents, received a notice on March 28 for its nearly one hundred members to vacate by...

Building the Revolutionary Housing Movement through Mutual Aid

June 14, 2024 Interview with General Dogon of the Los Angeles Community Action Network by Cathleen Williams, Homeward Street Journal General Dogon is an organizer at...

Israel’s War on Gaza Also Destroying the Climate, Study Finds

In addition to its death toll, Israel’s war in Gaza comes at great cost to the climate crisis.

Treatment Not Trauma Coming to Chicago

Community groups, fighting since 2012 to reopen 12 mental health clinics shuttered under former Mayor Emmanuel, joined the Chicago mayor’s office to announce the reopening of Roseland Mental Health Center.

Soupstock-24: Celebration of 44 Years of Sharing Meals!

Food Not Bombs in Santa Cruz, CA celebrates 44 years of sharing free food where all are welcome.

Free Speech, Police Brutality Among Issues Noted by Striking University Workers

University of California academic workers represented by UAW 4811 are striking. They say the UC system has failed to protect their freedom to speak and failed to keep them safe from police brutality during recent campus protests.

The Kids Are Alright!

The UCSC rally saw Palestinian flags, UAW picket signs, and chants such as "Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation"; and "Disclose, divest."

1,000-Plus Black Pastors Call for Gaza Ceasefire

1,000 Black pastors representing hundreds of thousands of parishioners have called for President Biden to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Black History

Month 2024


Independent Journalism

People’s Tribune is a voice of millions of people who are fighting to survive in an America in crisis. We help build connections among these fighters and the awareness that together we can create a whole new society and world.
Photo / Brad Sigal

George Floyd Protest
Peoples Tribune April May 2024 print edition cover

Click on the archives tab at the top of the page to see past editions.


On this page are poems the People’s Tribune has published over the years. Enjoy!

Homelessness: Is Supreme Court OK With Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Florida homeless advocate discusses new anti-homeless laws in Florida, and elsewhere, criminalizing those who have to shelter, including upcoming Supreme Court rulings that could impact the nation.

USC Grad Student Union Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against University over Arrests

The UAW union representing about 3,000 graduate student workers at USC filed an unfair labor practice charge against the school to end campus militarization and drop charges against students and faculty.

Oklahoma Voters Successfully Recall White Nationalist

Voters in Enid, OK recalled a city council member who was a former organizer for a white supremacist organization after he failed to distance himself from connections to white supremacist groups.

L.A. City Council Accepts Donation of Controversial Robot Police Dog

‘No Robot Dogs!’ Los Angeles Community Action Network says to the City Council.

‘Drop the Assange Case Now,’ Advocates Tell Biden DOJ as Critical Hearing Begins

What may be the final hearings in Julian Assange's effort to halt his extradition to the U.S. are under way. The U.S. is engaged in criminalizing things that journalists do all the time, and this is a real threat to democracy.

We Can End Poverty When We Unite

Voices of the heroic efforts of those who suffer from and fight poverty, horrors of homelessness, heartless immigrant policies, and war.

Sweeping Decision: Will U.S. Supreme Court Criminalize Being Homeless?

The Supreme Court’s decision in the case out of southern Oregon, expected in June, will broadly impact how local governments write homelessness policy in the United States.

‘Voices Fighting for Justice’

Sacramento, among many other towns and cities, turned out to protest on April 22, the day of the Supreme Court argument in the Grants Pass case.

‘We Will Not Disappear’

Actions are taking place in the following cities: San Francisco (Bay Area), CA; Los Angeles, CA; Sacramento, CA; Portland, OR; Medford, OR; Missoula, MT; Seattle, WA; Denver, CO

Wood Street Commons and Friends Month of Action for Housing as a Human Right

Our current society loses 295,000 people each year to poverty, which is more people than by homicide, gun violence, diabetes, or obesity but the corporate media does not talk about that.

Advocates Indict San Francisco’s Sweeps Policies Before U.S. Supreme Court

A coalition of current and former San Francisco officials and civic organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in advance of...

Medicare for All?

What is Improved and Expanded Medicare for All? Why Do We Need It? YOU ARE INVITED TO A FORUM

No on Proposition 1 Say Homeless and Health Care Advocates

Prop 1 Would gut local mental health services and further criminalize the unhoused. The following is an excerpt from a voting guide prepared by Kris Rehl, a writer and organizer with LA Street Care, and was lightly edited for length.

‘Drop Charges Against Woman Who Suffered Miscarriage,’ Say Ohio Doctors

Brittany Watts, 33, was charged with a felony in Ohio after police searched her toilet after she suffered a miscarriage. Doctors are pushing the prosecutor to drop charges.

‘Healthcare in this Country is a Business,’ says Fired Kaiser Nurse

Fired nurse tells story of Kaiser's poor patient care, driven by the profit motive.

Most Texas Border Counties Lack Adequate Medical Services & Staff

Twenty nine poor Texas border counties are designated medically underserved. Residents lack access to primary care services, sites, or providers to meet their medical needs. There is an effort to change that.

More Than 18,000 Mississippi Children Kicked Off Medicaid

The pandemic paused redeterminations for Medicaid in March 2020. All states were to resume the eligibility process on April 1. Since then, the State of Mississippi dropped 18,710 children from Medicaid; more are likely to come.

Help Stop Water Shutoffs in Benton Harbor, MI.

Benton Harbor city officials are shutting off the water at homes; in one week more than I00 homes water was shut off.

Youth in the Era of Climate Change

Earth Day is a reminder that Mother Earth pleads with us to care for her. The youth are listening, holding a global climate strike April 19. Although we are still far from reaching net zero emissions by 2050, it's time to be assertive with our world leaders for change will give our grandchildren a healthy Mother Earth and create a world of peace.

Join Flint Water Crisis 10 Year Commemoration

Flint water crisis 10 year commemoration demands clean and affordable water for Flint.

‘Lead or Lose’: 21 Arrested Blockading Biden Campaign HQ Over Climate, Gaza

Nearly two dozen campaigners with the Sunrise Movement were arrested after protesting at President Joe Biden's 2024 campaign headquarters, issuing warnings that crucial votes from young people will be lost unless he takes bold climate action and ends his support for Israel’s massacre in Gaza.

Chicago OEMC for Climate Change Disasters Allows Residents to Freeze 

Dozens of unhoused, disoriented, disabled Chicago residents will die. Hundreds will get frostbite and/or hypothermia. The city must open warming senters 24/7.

The Real Heroes in the Benton Harbor, MI Water Crisis

Thanks to the Benton Harbor Community Water Council and Rev Edward Pinkney, Benton Harbor’s water system is now providing safe water to its residents.. All the lead service lines have been replaced. But now Benton Harbor faces another drinking water crisis—the water, now safe to drink, is unaffordable.

It’s a Women’s World

Millions of women have been standing up to fight, but now, all women are needed to engage in the movement. Organize, support women, strike, protect our freedoms, our rights, our mutual vision of health, peace, and love.

Dora Rodriguez: Migrant Survivor Commits Her Life to Aid Migrants

For International Women’s Month we honor Dora Rodriguez, migrant survivor and Director of Salvavision, an organization providing support to asylum seekers and migrants. Dora exemplifies women’s contribution to peace and a better world.

International Women’s Day Spotlight: Jennie Welles aka Red

Jennie is a fighter who has lived a hard life! She spent her whole life in broken systems meant to keep people down! She...

‘Historic Night’ — Ohio Voters Enshrine Abortion Rights in State Constitution

By a decisive 56.6% to 43.4% margin, Ohio voters won the constitutional right to "make and carry out one's own reproductive decisions." This victory for reproductive rights was one of several won in November.

Mother Sues Alabama Jail After Being Forced to Give Birth Alone in a Shower

Alabama jailed Ashley Caswell on charges of endangering a fetus, then made her give birth without medical support.

Immigration Project Condemns Biden’s Assault on Asylum Seekers

The Biden administration plans to propose a rule that would make it more difficult for asylum seekers to apply for asylum.

Border Activist Calls on Feds to Stop Texas’ Anti-Immigrant Campaign

The U.S. government should stop Texas' anti-immigrant campaign, says border activist Fernando Garcia. We need more welcoming centers at the southern border, not more militarization, he adds.

Facts Refute the Lies Told About Immigrants

Refuting the lies that undocumented immigrants are “more likely to commit crimes,” and that immigrants take jobs away from people in the U.S.

Immigrant Communities Honor Six Workers Killed in Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Six men who were working filling potholes on the Francis Scott Key Bridge are presumed dead. Two bodies were found trapped in a submerged vehicle in the river. The six men, immigrant workers who had lived in the area for years, are among thousands of immigrant workers who help keep the Baltimore area functioning.

At the U.S.-Mexico Border: Fight Against Texas SB4 Continues

The movement against Texas’ SB4 law continues, undeterred by a highly contested U.S. Supreme Court ruling clearing the way for the law allowing Texas police to arrest and deport people they “suspect” are in Texas illegally.

Two Attempted Suicides in Midst of 200-People Hunger Strike at ICE Detention Center

The following is a March 11, 2024 press release from La Resistencia about the hunger strikes, attempted suicides, and death at the Northwest Detention...

Education and Real Estate: A Match Made in Heaven? Or Hell?

Education and real estate may seem like separate topics, but are instead inextricably linked for many reasons.

Texas Book Ban Sets Dangerous Precedent for Young People

Cameron Samuels (Center) started a movement against censorship in Katy,Texas and students are standing strong. They honored them for Banned Books Week as Youth Honorary Chair for distributing banned books and packing school board meetings. Young people call on the nation to not be silent and defend their rights because they feel no others will.

We Need More, Not Less, Education on Black History and Structural Racism

Pointing out that "Black history is American history," Prof. Kelly Harris gives an overview of some of the state legislation pending that would censor or prevent the teaching of Black history and discusses the importance of a comprehensive understanding of American history.

Fascists Deserve to be Laughed At!

Watch video mocking Ron DeSantis coming to our schools, claiming that in the classroom, free speech does not apply.

Intolerable Cost of Living a Central Issue, says UC Davis Striker

UC Davis PhD student and UAW union member discusses the significance of the UC student worker worker strike, the demands, particularly of the lowest paid workers the settlement process now underway.

As UC strike enters second month, grad workers risk arrest pushing for raises

Striking UC graduate student workers are willingly getting arrested in acts of civil disobedience, viewing the strategy as a way to escalate their work stoppage, now in its fifth week. A main demand is raises that reflect the cost-of-living in California, one of the most expensive states to live in.

The Origins of May Day and Its Meaning for Students Today

Speech given on what happened to create the internationally known holiday of May Day, a holiday that began in Chicago, Illinois in 1886.

Pullman Strike Continues for One Fair Wage

From slavery, to organizing the first Black union-the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters, and to their current workforce, Blacks continue to fight for a One Fair Wage.

MLK was a Union Man

A tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a beacon of hope, a driving force behind the civil rights movement, for racial equality, and for his contributions to the Labor Movement.

UAW International Union Joins Call For a Ceasefire

The UAW International Union has voted to join the call for a ceasefire. "The UAW International is calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Israel and Palestine so that we can get to the work of building a lasting peace, building social justice and building a global community of solidarity."

Resistance is Rising Everywhere

Labor actions, the struggle in the Middle East, the fight of the homeless, migrants, refugees and others, are fronts in a struggle breaking out in many forms all over the country and world.

Strike Expands: UAW Leader says Country Can’t Continue to Leave Workers Behind

UAW President Shawn Fain addresses why the expansion of the strike and the growing support globally and nationally in two venues. Workers are fighting to get their fair share at a time when the profits of automakers are soaring. The challenge is where we're going to go as a country.

Pastor Charged for Opening Church to Homeless in Freezing Weather

Pastor in Bryan, Ohio, pleaded not guilty to charges he broke zoning codes when he gave shelter to people who might otherwise have frozen to death.

Uvalde Victims’ Families Get Official Acknowledgement of Botched Shooting Response

Relatives of the 21 people killed in Uvalde, TX mass shooting demand criminal charges after federal officials say delayed police response cost lives

‘This Is Madness’: Supreme Court Denies Solitary Confinement Appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court's three liberal justices issued a scathing dissent this week as the tribunal's right-wing supermajority rejected the appeal of an Illinois inmate with mental illness imprisoned in solitary confinement without access to fresh air for three straight years.

Four Senior Women Arrested for Blocking Entrance to Cop City

The latest warriors to save Atlanta's Weelaunee forest and stop ‘Cop City’ are four elder women who believe people should decide the fate of the forest, not the Mayor, Atlanta City Council, or the Atlanta Police Foundation. A petition for a public vote was signed by 116,000 people.

CARE Court in California: A Primer

CA Senate Bill 1338 created a mental health court. A court-appointed conservator would make health care decisions and control one’s medication and treatment — at an involuntary stay in a psychiatric facility. Could this be the housing promised by Governor Newsom?

Georgia Attorney General Brings RICO Indictments Against 61 Activists

This article reposted from the Atlanta Community Press Collective describes the Georgia Attorney General's attempt to stifle free speech by indicting opponents of Cop City in Atlanta.

Average US Taxpayer Contributed More to Militarism Than Medicare in 2023

$5,109 of the average American's taxpayer dollars went to fund the military and its support systems," said a new analysis.

Pressure Mounts for a Cease-Fire in Gaza

Outrage is mounting here and globally for immediate cease-fire in Gaza. A significant percentage of Democrats are voting "uncommitted,” but the Biden administration is not stopping U.S. from providing bombs that kill Palestinian children.

‘People’s State of the Union’ Calls for Cease Fire and End to U.S. Funding of Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Hundreds of protesters block Biden's motorcade en route to his State of the Union speech to call for ceasefire and end to U.S funding for Israel's assault on Gaza.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Introduces Bill to Stop Politicians Profiting from War

Congresswoman Tlaib introduces bill to stop politicians from funnelling billions of American tax dollars to same defense contractors many of them are invested in and taking campaign donations from.

Israel’s Assault Has Orphaned 19,000 Children in Gaza

Israeli forces have killed over 10,000 children in roughly 100 days of Israel's assault into Gaza, as Save the Children reported, or about 100 children per day.

Michigan Group Urges Primary Protest Vote Against Biden Over Gaza

Grassroots group in Michigan calls on voters to write in "undecided" on primary ballot by Biden's name.