MOBILE, AL—The Extraction Industry will not stop trying to find ways to deliver their toxic Dilbit product to Gulf Coast Refineries.
The Upper Gulf Coast has long been known as America’s Energy Sacrifice Zone. The reality of that title was evident three years ago during the British Petroleum Oil Disaster which, contrary to mainstream media and advertising, has not recovered.
The Keystone XL Pipeline opponents have been so effective, that the industry is has had to find other means to get the Tar Sands Oil to the Gulf Refineries for export to Asia and Europe. In June, Canadian National Railroad and Arc Terminal will be bringing Canadian Tar Sand oil to Mobile by heated rail car; it will be offloaded and stored at the newly built Tank Farms on the Mobile River. The Tar Sands oil will then be put though a new 45-mile pipeline to the Chevron Refinery in Pascagoula, Ms.
The pipeline project consists of 11 stream crossings, 128 wetland crossings and horizontal directional drilling at the Escatawpa River, Black Creek, and Little Black Creek. The project also consists of the expansion of the Plains Ten Mile Compressor Station.
This pipeline also goes underneath the watershed that supplies the municipal drinking water for the city of Mobile, and will run through poor minority communities.
On April 27, our group participated in Earth Day Mobile Bay in Fairhope, Al., by setting up a booth, educating people, and handing out informational fliers on the Tar Sands issue in Mobile. The public hearings on this pipeline were held in Montgomery, Al., and very few people know what is happening. We hope to get a hold on these operations, until a Public Hearing can be held in Mobile.
Kimberly McCison is cofounder-activist of Alabama Coast United.
A Pubic Tar Sand Awareness Rally is set to be held on Sat. May 11th at 10:00 am. At Cathedral Square in Mobile Al.
Kimberly McCuiston cofounder~ activist Al. Coast United
Why is it always that the poor will suffer the rich getting richer?