Two years
Two years
After two years, the residents of Flint are still without safe and affordable water. We are still living off of bottled water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Lead and other toxins have poisoned our bodies leaving permanent damage to our health and well-being. Our lives now revolve around health complications and our children have been robbed of their childhood.
This disaster was welcomed into our community by Michigan’s Emergency Manager system, where the governor can send a crony into a city or school district and take it over. THIS is untold story in this tragedy. These managers are empowered to sell off public assets as well as privatize public services without a say so by WE the people. In their zeal to seize our water and water rights, our city was poisoned!
The collective effort of activists in Flint coming together of all races, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds is what has made us strong. It has been the voices of the people that have exposed this man-made disaster. Thank to those who have heard our battle cries from around the country and world. During the course of our struggle, we were joined by other powerful voices such as Dr. Mona-Hanna Attisha; Marc Edwards; investigative journalist, Curt Guyette; filmmaker, Kate Levy, and new mayor, Karen Weaver and many others. As a result, we were able to return to Detroit water, and the media blackout was broken. We have received love, water, and donations, but the most powerful support of all are the relentless voices of resistance.
The struggle continues here in Flint and across the state of Michigan. We demand disaster relief status from the Federal government to replace all the lead pipes. We demand Medicare for all regardless of age to confront this enormous public health disaster. Finally, we demand an end to dictatorship under the Emergency Manager system with the restoration and expansion of democracy in Flint and all other Michigan communities.
Schuyler Mitchell is a writer, editor and fact-checker from North Carolina, currently based in Brooklyn. Her work has appeared in The Intercept, The Baffler, Labor Notes, Los Angeles Magazine, and elsewhere. Find her on X: @schuy_ler