Mount and Presbury where Freddie Gray, who died while in police
custody, was arrested. PHOTO/JIM FITE
BALTIMORE, MD — Freddie Gray died of homicide while in the custody of six Baltimore City police officers. Thousands demonstrated demanding justice. The Baltimore City Prosecutor indicted the six police officers and three have been tried. None were convicted.
Millions of dollars and words have been spent to defend the police actions. In addition, over a billion dollars has been spent by military and police agencies to study Baltimore and prepare to defeat any popular uprisings. Face recognition software is used to scan photos of demonstrations and other public gatherings.
The conditions for all people, but particularly for Black men, are worsening each day. Good jobs in manufacturing and construction are disappearing. Police terror is legitimized to defend private property. The business and rich residential areas cannot exist without a massive police force to terrorize the unemployed and homeless.
These trials made that terror legal. It destroyed the democratic rights this country was founded on.
Democracy is being replaced by a police state.
We must have a society where everyone works together for the common good, where the wealth is owned communally and distributed based on need.
A major step toward this new society is to fight for justice for Freddie Gray and every other victim of police terror, which will continue spreading to all of society if not stopped.