HIGHLAND PARK, MI — My heart has been heavy for weeks now as I visualize first-hand the tragedies of this war waged upon the people. But I am not the only one. The people are agitated as their consciousness is being awakened. But consciousness comes with a price, because once awakened and your mind aware, going blind again is not an option. The heart becomes engaged and it beats just a little differently now.
Over and over the scenario is the same, and the attack and process by which the people are warred upon identical. Justice must be had, and the issues corrected to still a riled people who know all too well they didn’t start this war, but that they must win it for the sake of life and future.
What is occurring is not just gentrification of cities but the attempted elimination of a class and total disrespect for human existence. Even the Earth that we have the responsibility for caring for and protecting is in grave danger, and at the root of it all is money. Money over humanity and earth, and neither the life of man or that of the Earth and all its inhabitants matter except for the sake of profit
The very Laws that once protected us are being changed to better implement the attack on Earth and Humanity. New laws are set into place to make the act of civil disobedience against injustices a crime, and fighting for the right to survive a felony. They try to silence our cries by replacing our voice with zip ties around our wrists. They ticket us, fine us, jail us, punish us into submission and compliance. Corporations now govern and Judges bow to their will.
Corporations and even government are bailed out and are unaccountable for their crimes. Contracts are broken and pensions are stolen. Rivers and lands are poisoned as oceans and air is polluted. Education is unequal or deprived altogether, in school-to prison-pipelines. Homes are foreclosed on and stolen. Yet as people are displaced, being homeless is made a crime. Panhandlers can be ticketed, and giving to the hungry is now punishable.
I have walked with Water Warriors, Keeper’s of the Earth, Protector’s of The Children, Stop The Violence, Black Lives Matter, No More Emergency Managers, Stop The Foreclosures, We The People, Take Back Our Streets, Walk For Justice, Black, White, Muslim and a multitude of other groups . . . All under attack.
Our strength is in unity. It is not a bunch of little fights that we face, but a single attack on our existence and rights as human beings, and what is just for us and our children. We are One . . . Now is the time, from city to city, state to state and yes country to country, to begin unifying, networking, planning and fighting. Each one teach one. Speakers teach others to speak, leaders, organizers train others and remain undivided in this war. From a few hundred to a few thousand to a million and growing, now is the time for accountability and respect for us who are ONE.