Photo/Sarah Menefee
The People’s Tribune features reports by the homeless and others joining their fight to hold the government responsible for housing its people. We report on the campaigns of the homeless-led organizations and from those who are resisting the attack on their existence, for a better world for all. The voices of these leaders come from tent encampments where people take care of each other and everywhere people are protesting the criminalizing of sleeping, sitting, and surviving. Widespread homelessness in this richest of nations condemns the capitalist system, where what we need, including housing, is only for profit and denied to those who are too poor to pay. The self-organizing of the homeless points the way to a new concept of community based on sharing and the fulfilling of human needs. The People’s Tribune is a newspaper of this movement and its leaders. Please send your stories, subscribe and order papers at peoplestribune.org.
“We are first to take the “Survival Ban” to court,” say Denver’s homeless