The shocking story of United States veterans deported across the border to Tijuana, Mexico, is told in the video, “The Deported Veterans of America.” The video says this has been going on since the 1980s. Most of the deported veterans are Mexican but some are from Canada and as far away as Africa. They served in the military and somehow got caught up in the U.S. legal system, and some were deported. The deported veterans are having a hard time. One who served in Korea went back for medication and got four years. The deported veterans’ goal is to make Americans aware so they will act. When people find out, they don’t believe it. They say “these veterans put on a uniform and they are Americans and deserve to stay here.”
Excerpts from veterans’ stories in the film, “The Deported Veterans Of America:
“When I got drafted, I got out of high school, got my physical and went straight to Fort Ord. That’s where I did my training. When I got out, I went to look for a job and didn’t have my Green Card. The lady in the unemployment office said, ‘go to immigration, they got your papers.’ I thought they had my citizenship. When I got there, they put the cuffs on me. I said look, I just got out of the military, why am I getting deported? They said you have no records. I said my parents brought me when I was a little kid . . . ”
“I served in the US Navy in Phoenix, AZ, from 1996-2000, Operation Desert Storm, and was honorably discharged. Since the military, I had a history with alcohol and drug abuse. I never got any help. I got in trouble. The judge recommended a drug program. I was supposed to do a year and a half and get out and be with my family. I never got to see my family. I am deported on perjury. After I pleaded guilty, the judge said, ‘do you understand what you’re pleading guilty to? Perjury is lying to a jury court, and you never had a jury. You’re being charged with something you didn’t do.’ The judge said on the record, ‘based on all the letters I see, you are pretty much a good guy but you got in trouble this one time. Sorry, thank you for your service, but I have to deport you.’”
“Since I was little, I was told, our strength as Americans was our diversity, that we’re a nation born of immigrants. The Italians, Jewish, Irish came over; slowly but surely they all became the fabric of America, and it’s the same thing for us. Don’t destroy what makes America great. We need to come together and unite and make America what it is supposed to be, and that is all-inclusive. What is more American than a U.S. soldier?”
“The military trained us well. We’re going to fight till we get back home.”
Laws have to change. Laws without morals are useless. This is inhumane.
See the video at youtube.com/watch?v=E07ylagwJLY&feature=youtu.be