Actions beginning on May 1 aim to build a US and global movement that determines how we emerge from the crisis with life itself as the primary value. Organizers say it is about a true vision and reality of a loving and just world.
Here are some links to some events, May Day Hashtags and websites. #MayDay2020 #PeoplesBailout #GeneralStrike2020 #CancelRent #FreeThemAll #GrassrootsFeminism #KeepItInTheGround; People’s Bailout Day of Mass Action; General Strike 2020; Car Rally for Essential Workers; Jobs with Justice Rent strikes; Causa Justa #CanceltheRent campaign and #FreeThemAll campaign; EMEAC is supporting the struggle to get water restored; Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA) joins webinar on health, housing and detention; About Face is raising funds to support undocumented people.

A May Day 200 person strong march organized by the Tompkins County Workers Center iswept across the City of Ithaca and was greeted warmly by many, especially by the Northside housing project. Over 200 people marched for Medicare for All, housing as human right, Healthcare not Warfare and for the rights of all workers. They banged on pots and chanted slogans as they marched.
Photo/Tom Hirschel

Photo/ Peggy Elwell