Martin Luther King’s granddaughter: We will fulfill his dream


Yolanda Renee King

Thousands joined the Commitment March on Washington, a call to action against racism and police killings of African Americans. Among the speakers were relatives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Eric Garner, and young visionaries:

Excerpts from a speech by Yolanda Renee King, MLK’s 12 year old granddaughter:
“The worst economic crisis since the great depression, more extreme weather than ever . . but great challenges produce great leaders. We have mastered the selfie and TikTok. Now, we must master ourselves. Less than a year before he was assassinated, my grandfather predicted this very moment. He said we were moving into a new phase of the struggle. The first phase was the civil rights and the new stage is genuine equality and genuine equality is why we are here today, and why people are coming together all across the world from New Zealand to New Jersey. He said that we must not forget the days of Montgomery. We must not forget the sit in movements, the freedom rides, the Birmingham movement and Selma. Papa King, we won’t!
“My generation has already taken to the streets peacefully and with masks and social distancing to protest racism. And I want to ask the young people here to join me and pledge that we have only just begun to fight. And that we will be the generation that moves from ‘me’ to ‘we’. We are going to be the generation that dismantles systemic racism, once and for all, now and forever. We are going to be the generation that calls a halt to police brutality and gun violence. We have to be the generation that reverses climate change and saves our planet. And we are going to be the generation that ends poverty here in America, the wealthiest nation on earth, once and for all, now and forever. We are the legends of our grandparents, great grandparents and all our ancestors. We stand and march for love and we will fulfill my grandfather’s dream. So, show we what democracy look like! This is what democracy looks like! One more time. Ok then. Let’s show them!”

Parkland survivor addresses gun violence and police violence

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  1. We need Love, We need to realize America has enough. WE need Equality for all. Not one set of laws for the whites and Poors, or Blacks. And another for Rich White men. The South has two sets of laws, one for White trash, working a federal Minimum wage.
    Another for Black Breanone Taylor Shot dead in her own bed No cop held “Accountable” at 26 years old. Why? Ex boyfriend was a drugger. She was a medical aide personnel. No Knock warrant.
    Democracy Now, tell these Hidden Facts.


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