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Monthly Archives: November, 2023

Chicago Can Be A Welcoming Sanctuary City

Some Chicagoans are angry at the migrants for, in their view, draining our resources. It is understandable why people are frustrated, however, migrants are not the austerity imposers. Profit-making corporations leave Chicagoans with food deserts, underfunded schools, shuttered mental health clinics, and over 68,000 Chicagoans without housing. There should be enough for everybody. Our elected officials do not fund enough resources for the public.

Spectacular Miscarriage of Justice: Door Slammed Shut on Criminal Charges in Flint Water Disaster

With almost 10 years of the crisis, having dealt with death, health challenges, Legionella, children’s social emotional trauma along with learning disabilities — the failure of the judicial system for the people of Flint is unforgivable. Flint residents will not give up on being made whole.

Resistance is Rising Everywhere

Labor actions, the struggle in the Middle East, the fight of the homeless, migrants, refugees and others, are fronts in a struggle breaking out in many forms all over the country and world.

War! Who is it Good for in the Time of Global Warming?

The number of people displaced by climate disasters, conflict, and violence continues to reach unprecedented levels. Vulnerable communities and countries under attack from wars for corporate ownership of resources are living with the worst impacts.

Dissent: an anthology to end war and capitalism

Civil Disobedience as Literature- a Review of Dissent: an anthology to end war and capitalism, edited by Mark Lipman, Vagabond, 2023 That we exist in...

‘Travesty for Democracy’: Court Guts Key Part of Voting Rights Act

A federal appeals court on Nov. 20 ruled that only the U.S. Department of Justice can bring lawsuits under Section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a decision that—if upheld—would deprive private citizens and advocacy groups of the ability to file legal challenges to discriminatory election practices.

‘Historic Night’ — Ohio Voters Enshrine Abortion Rights in State Constitution

By a decisive 56.6% to 43.4% margin, Ohio voters won the constitutional right to "make and carry out one's own reproductive decisions." This victory for reproductive rights was one of several won in November.

‘This Is Madness’: Supreme Court Denies Solitary Confinement Appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court's three liberal justices issued a scathing dissent this week as the tribunal's right-wing supermajority rejected the appeal of an Illinois inmate with mental illness imprisoned in solitary confinement without access to fresh air for three straight years.

More Than Two Months at the Wall. . .

AFSC staff and partners served thousands of meals through the border wall, clothed thousands weekly, and alleviated the pain, uncertainty, and fear for many. While elected officials hesitate, the community mobilizes.

42 Journalists and Media Workers Killed Since October 7

Forty-two journalists and media workers have been killed since October 7th. Independent journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous, who produced the award-winning documentary 'The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh,' asks where is the global response? And where is the journalist outcry to their colleagues killed in Gaza?

Why is the U.S. Shamefully Resisting a Ceasefire in Gaza?

Biden and the congressional majority won't impose a ceasefire on Israel because Israel was created in part on behalf of American and European corporations and billionaires to further their interests in the Middle East.

Over 400 of Biden’s Own Administration Officials Demand Ceasefire in Gaza

A coalitoin of Biden-Harris Administration political appointees and civil servants call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Pray for

I pray for peacefor war to ceasefor kids to breathefor love’s increase I pray for youthfor guns to trucefor hate to losefor freedom, too I pray...

Brave Voices Speak Out for Peace, Defying ‘A New McCarthyism’

Freedom of speech is under attack throughout the United States, with those who criticize the seige of Gaza facing retribution at schools and workplaces.

The ‘Open Border’ Farce

The Biden administration will break all records for paying border contractors. At the same time, the administration announced it would waive 26 laws protecting people, including the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, to put up a new section of border wall in Starr County, Texas.

Four Senior Women Arrested for Blocking Entrance to Cop City

The latest warriors to save Atlanta's Weelaunee forest and stop ‘Cop City’ are four elder women who believe people should decide the fate of the forest, not the Mayor, Atlanta City Council, or the Atlanta Police Foundation. A petition for a public vote was signed by 116,000 people.

Gaza: People Across the World Demand a Ceasefire Now!

Despite attempts to silence them, hundreds of thousands of people have been marching across the world to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and that the U.S. cut off financial and military support to Israel.

CARE Court in California: A Primer

CA Senate Bill 1338 created a mental health court. A court-appointed conservator would make health care decisions and control one’s medication and treatment — at an involuntary stay in a psychiatric facility. Could this be the housing promised by Governor Newsom?

More Than 18,000 Mississippi Children Kicked Off Medicaid

The pandemic paused redeterminations for Medicaid in March 2020. All states were to resume the eligibility process on April 1. Since then, the State of Mississippi dropped 18,710 children from Medicaid; more are likely to come.

What if they got it all wrong? asks Homeless Union leader

Sacramento California has 22,000 unhoused people on the streets. This is the reality people live and die in. Sacramento Homeless Union leader asks, “Can we create a place we can all thrive and be healthy together?”

Summer Lee Votes No on GOP Bill Protecting Ultra-Wealthy Tax Cheats at Expense of Children in PA, Gaza and Israel

Summer Lee says Republicans' plan to exploit a horrific war to help billionaire donors cheat on taxes would cost taxpayers $90 billion, enough to end hunger, homelessness, student debt, and more.