Why Do We Need It?
Sacred Heart Church, Activities Building
3451 Rivard St, Detroit MI 48207
I-75 at Mack Ave, exit, across from McDonalds
Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Light Refreshments
Topics: -Healthcare is a Human Right -Everyone will be eligible -Free choice of provider (including dental/vision) -No deductibles or copays -Access to healthcare not dependent on job -Reduced emergency room and urgent care visits -No deaths due to delays and denials -What will the cost be? -Group discussion |
Primary speakers:
Dr. David Apsey, Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)
Dr. John Ross (PNHP and Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare)
Bill Farmer, Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare
Sponsors: Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare, Southeast Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare, Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, Michigan Welfare Rights
To RSVP: Online: bit.ly/sacredhearttownhall Call 313 824-0952 by April 22 QR code with your Smartphone: |