Letter to the Editor: Homeless mother tells her story


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Editor’s note: Below is a letter from a reader about a February, 2014, People’s Tribune article entitled, “Maine wants homeless people to go away.”
I am also homeless, a mother of an 11 year-old girl and a 23 year-old son. My son was in a car accident when he was 9, suffered severe head trauma that today prevents him from working, and been turned down for disability. He says Mom I wish I could work so I could help you and my sister. We are living in a tent in the country. I don’t drive, which makes everything difficult, getting to a grocery store, taking showers, seeking help. I’m currently on disability, I crushed both my feet a few years ago, and now they’re taking my check away because they feel I can work. And I probably could find a sit-down job, but not without transportation. I’ve been in two shelters that did nothing for me, not even point me in the right direction, just threw my daughter back out on the streets. And that’s another story I promise myself I’m going to address, to hopefully help other single mothers that are discarded like trash at these places for stupid reasons. For whomever reads this, if there’s something I can do to help myself please let me know. God Bless.

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