People putting forward a new morality


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From the Editors: People are standing up for humanity across America and the world. Their voices are asserting the essential unity of the human species. Their morality stands in stark contrast to the rising, global corporate dictatorship that cares only about profit. Although the entire People’s Tribune expresses the voices for a society that cares for us all, below we share a few more.
Student: “My valedictorian speech was cut short because I said the names of black children who had become victims of police brutality. Our principal signaled for my mic to be turned off as soon as I said, ‘Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice.’ Pathetic,” wrote Rooha Haghar, whose family immigrated from Iran. “I was close to their age and knowing this is a reality that Black families have to deal with,” she told KXAS, adding, “Schools want to raise socially conscious students… who are able to think for themselves. “That’s what I was doing.”
Mayor: “I was elected mayor of Palermo [the capitol of the Italian island of Sicily] with a victory of 74%. That means people think I’m right,” said Leoluca Orlando who is fighting for migrants to freely enter the European Union states. Every time a ship with rescued migrants enters the harbor of Palermo, the mayor greets them. “Welcome,” he says. “The worst is over. You are citizens of Palermo now!”
Quote from the late John Trudell, Native American author, poet, musician, political activist:
“Every human being is a raindrop
And when enough of the raindrops
Become clear and coherent they
Then become the power of the storm.”

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