Detroit Gay Pride March threatened by Nazis


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DETROIT, MI — In June, there was a Gay Pride celebration/parade in Detroit. Marching alongside it were 12 (or so) fully armed Swastika/flagwaving N.A.Z.I.S., (National Socialist German Workers Party). The Detroit police were marching alongside, protecting the Nazis “rights.”
On June 6, the entire world memorialized and honored the veterans and over 50 million lives lost defeating the Nazis, and their allies. Hitler made it clear when attacking and subduing Europe that “Marxist Socialism-Communism” had to be destroyed (Marx was also Jewish). Russia at that time was less than 25 years old. Russia signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, partially so they wouldn’t be invaded. Britain, U.S., U.S.S.R., France and the allies were on the same imperialist democratic republic/socialist-communist side! Russia lost over 20 million citizens in World War 2.
There’s a clear historic distinction between the “Socialist” and Hitler. On June 11, Detroit police chief Craig in his press conference on the gay parade kept referring to the Nazis as the “Socialists.” He said the gay pride participants and the “Socialists”(Nazis) were both negatively “confronting each other” and “both had to have their right to free speech and assembly protected.”
WOW! It rings of Trump. “There were good and bad people on both sides” in Charlottesville. What an affront to our 85% Black city, an affront to the WW 2 vets, holocaust victims/survivors, and definitely an affront to the L.G.B.T.Q. community.
We know the Detroit police have enough stress protecting the public against crime and defending the capitalist economic inequality system without having to defend the murderers of 50 million people. Officers, solitcit your unions to reject this untenable policy that protects the Hitlerite’s!
In Detroit, in the 1970’s, some bigots, KKK, and Nazis had an office on Michigan Avenue with pictures of microwave ovens for “Jewish Dwarfs” and gorilla photos for African/Blacks. We put the fear of God in their behind and ran them out. Back in the day, we revolutionaries/activists boarded buses at the UAW (United Auto Workers) Local 600 in Detroit to go to Skokie, Illinois to fight alongside our Jewish neighbors, against the Nazis, who had been given a permit to march in full regailia. Unfortunately, at the time, the A.C.L.U. was “defending” the Nazi’s “rights,” and some of the lawyers were Jewish! The police defended them, yet we fought them (the young Jewish Defense League was outstanding!)
We will not stand back and watch the lessons of history be untaught. Do not support a fascist militarist government for us. There will be no getting on our knees praying and turning the other cheek to the Nazis nor to their apologists!

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