My invocation for the Action to End Criminalization, Detention and Deportations


Rabbi Brant Rosen speaking at Chicago rally in defense of immigrants.
Photo/Love & Struggle Photos

Editor’s note: Editor’s note: Rabbi Brant Rosen delivered an invocation at a protest at Daley Plaza, Chicago, July 13, 2019. Below we print its last paragraph. See the the full invocation at
shalom aleichem to you angels of justice
angels of the most high
show us how to fight for the liberation of anyone
who has been forced from their homes pursued
taken locked away sent away
anyone whose very lives are forbidden forgotten forsaken
inspire us to take down oppressive systems
that were built by the powerful to maintain
the power of the powerful
remind us that there is a power yet greater
that comes from a place that knows no borders
no deportations no barrier walls no prisons
no guards no soldiers no police
a place where we no longer have to struggle for justice because
justice gushes forth like a mighty stream flowing freely
from the sovereign beyond all sovereigns
all of us angels of justice all of us
building the world we know is possible yes
shalom aleichem peace to you
peace to us all
this is our prayer let’s say amen

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