Amazon threatens workers who say Bezos should not be in fossil fuel


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Amazon workers wage a fight for the company to stop taking money from fossil fuel companies and contribute to saving the planet, but the company threatens retaliation against employees.

Editor’s note: This story is from tweets by Amazon Employees For Climate
We’re a group of Amazon employees who believe it’s our responsibility to ensure our business models don’t contribute to the climate crisis.
Jeff Bezos and Amazon executives are threatening to fire a few members of our group after we spoke up about wanting our company to be a leader in the worldwide effort to avert climate catastrophe.
How will the world remember Jeff Bezos in the era of climate emergency? Will he use his immense economic power to help, or not? Please tell @Amazon and @jeffBezos: Our world is on fire and desperately needs climate leadership. Stop silencing employees who are sounding the alarm.
We started organizing because we knew our company could and must do better. Amazon and now Microsoft’s climate announcement [to radically reduce its companies carbon emissions] came only “after” employees began organizing and pushing their companies to stop contributing to climate change.
Like Amazon, Microsoft leadership has no plan to stop taking money from fossil fuel companies to help them find and extract, faster and with lower costs, more fossil fuels from our planet. This fact undermines much of the public goodwill of these climate announcements. When a reporter asked Bezos if he would be canceling his company’s contracts with the oil and gas industry, his response was a simple: “No.”
It’s clear that our work as employees pushing our companies to prioritize our children’s and grandchildren’s future over environmentally destructive short-term profit is not over. We must and we will keep standing up and speaking on behalf of our beautiful planet!

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