‘I choose to follow the Revolutionary Jesus’ Reverend Bruce Wright, In Memoriam


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Bruce and Barbara Wright
Bruce and Barbara Wright

The People’s Tribune mourns the loss of street minister and revolutionary organizer Rev. Bruce Wright, a frequent contributor to its pages from the front lines of the fight for economic and racial justice he gave his life to, right up until its end. Bruce put into action his spiritual understanding: to shelter and feed the homeless and hungry, and also help build the movement to do away with homelessness and hunger and racism, toward a transformed world.

He was tireless in his works of direct service, as he was in spreading this vision through organizing, writing, his radio show, and in everything he did, often against impossible odds. In addition to his inspirational work and the demands it put on his life, he never complained. He made time to also be an exceptionally loving and devoted husband and father. Every day he focused first on his wife, Barbara, doting on her, to be sure her needs were met, as she is disabled. He would be excited any time he could spend time with his daughter Christina, whom he also doted on, or with his son Michael.
He always made time for his grandchildren, especially the oldest, Stephen, in whom he was starting to see a heart for the work his Grandpa Bruce did.

His mission will live on in the hearts and actions of those he uplifted and inspired: family, comrades and beyond. He was a bright light and inspiration in his central work with the Tampa Bay Refuge Ministries, the Poor People’s Army, as host of the Revolutionary Radio Show, and others; and to all who knew him.

In his own words, from an article he wrote for the People’s Tribune: “For me I choose to follow the Revolutionary Jesus who seeks to unite the oppressed . . . CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE.”

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